ch6: " so you know ."

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Hawkins, Indiana - Byers Residence
third person pov

y/n woke up a couple hours later. it was still pouring and it got darker outside. she assumed it was late evening judging by how dark it was.

will was still sound asleep, next to her, his arm being used as a pillow for her head. she looked at him and slowly got up. she threw her shoes on and sighed.

she tapped on will's shoulder and shook him lightly, "will?"

"hm?" he hummed still in his slumber.

"i'm gonna go home, but i'll see you tomorrow."

"okay." he yawned and fell back asleep.

y/n left his room and shut the door, walking down the hallway and leaving the house. she mounted onto her bike and rode home.

she got home, kicked off her shoes, and went upstairs. she threw herself onto her bed, listening to the peaceful sound of the rain hitting her window and ceiling.

and soon enough, she fell asleep.


y/n woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. she groaned sleepily and reached over to answer, bringing the phone up to her ear. "hello?"


"will?" she sat up, fully awake from the sound of will's voice. "is everything okay?"

"uh, i don't know how to answer that...just..come to mike's as soon as you can."

as soon as she heard mike's house her heart beat rapidly. out of all people, she didn't wanna see him. or lucas. she wasn't ready. "will, i don't know—"

"i know, i know. but it's urgent. a code red. we need you over here."

y/n sighed and rubbed her eyes. "fine, i'll be over soon."

"okay, thank you. love you."

"love you too, bye."

ever since the snowball will and y/n have been saying 'i love you' to each other, platonically. but she wishes it wasn't platonic and that it meant something.


Hawkins, Indiana - Wheeler Residence
third person pov

will put the phone down and looked at the other two boys sitting on the basement couch.

"did we really have to call her? el is enough help for us." mike complained.

"we need as much help as we can. and just because you're mad at her doesn't mean she can't be helpful." will defended.

"i don't understand how you're not mad at her right now. she kept a huge secret from all of us. if i were you, i would pissed, especially since you're her bestest friend."

mike's word were getting to him. should he be mad at her? no, she doesn't deserve it. but mike was right, she kept a secret from them. kept a secret from him. no, stop thinking like that, will!

he shook his head away from the thoughts and plopped himself down on the arm of the couch, waiting for the three girls they just called.


max and el were the first ones to arrive. max looked frustrated and el looked worried.

"what was so important that you had to drag us out of bed?" max huffed.

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