ch11: " for you."

575 13 8

Hawkins, Indiana - Hopper Cabin
third person pov

y/n's breathing steadied and her grip on will's hand loosened a bit. meanwhile, she was standing on a beach with el, a group of seagulls squeaking and flying away.

"we're on a beach." y/n informed the group. she noticed how scared eleven looked, so she latched her hand onto hers.

"okay, i may be dense, but the last i checked, there weren't any beaches in hawkins. remembered, looking around at everyon
"what else do you see?" max scoot forward in her seat a bit.

there was a woman. she was blond, wearing a white dress, and had a hat in her hand. she was pretty tall too.

"a woman." el answered softly. "she's...pretty. i think she's looking at us."

the woman began to wave in the direction the girls were standing in. then she cheered and clapped her hands. y/n looked behind herself and eleven.

there was a boy, he looked around twelve. he was just running out of the water, holding a surfboard.

"there's a boy running to her." y/n said, continuing to watch the sight in front of her.

"you did it!" the woman exclaimed.

"did you see that?" the little boy asked her.

"yeah, i saw that!" she grabbed his head and placed a kiss on his forehead

"that was at least seven feet!"

"i don't know what it was, but it almost gave me a heart attack." she chuckled.

"ten more minutes?" the boy pleaded.

she was hesitant, but agreed. "yeah, okay, tan more minutes."


"but any longer than that, dad's gonna be mad, okay?"

"okay!" he ran back to his board and went back into the water.

"billy!" the woman called out.

it was billy and his mom.

"watch out for rip currents!" she warned.

"i know."

"it's billy." el said.

"it's california." it clicked in max's brain. "it's a memory."

y/n and el heard thunder in the distance. they looked ahead and saw red and black clouds coming in. "i think i see it. the source."

el squeezed y/n's hand as they proceeded to walk along the beach, heading into the storm. the sound of thunder rumbling was intimidating. as they continued walking, white flakes began to fall from the sky. it was an all too well familiar feeling for the two girls. the flakes from the upside down.

in the distance, they heard a man yelling. "hey, billy! stop! what the hell is wrong with you? what did we talk about, huh? you gotta slide!"

"i know." the little boy, who identified as billy, stammered.

"wait. afraid you're gonna get hurt, is that it?"


"well, what then?" billy's dad shouted. "what? what did i raise, a pussy for a son?"

"leave me alone!" billy dropped it mitt and ran away.

"hey! that's right, run! like you always do!"

y/n and el chased after the boy, going into the cluster of sand and clouds.

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