ch10: " i guess girlfriends lie and spy ."

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Hawkins, Indiana - Hospital
third person pov

the young teens stood in a circle, looking up at the constantly-flickering lights.

will brought his hand up to the back of his neck. "he's here."

they ran to the elevator. "hey, hey, hey! two at a time!" the lady at the front shouted, but nobody obliged.

max rapidly clicked on the button, everyone impatiently waited. y/n looked around for another source that would help. "the stairs."

they ran as fast as their feet could take them, calves and thighs burning to stop. but they couldn't.


the monster began to get closer to nancy, slowly. she fell over and backed up, her body laying in the floor as the fleshy figure hovered over her.

the spit and blood from the monster dropped onto her face and growled. right then, eleven bursted the door open.

the mind flayer turned and roared at the two girls up front.

"oh, shit." y/n muttered.


"what the f—"

max was cut off by the monster roaring again, before charging at the group. el stuck her arm out, yelling and throwing the monster across the room, back and forward, side to side.

y/n gushed boiling water at it, the pressure so hard that it caused the monster to go flying out of the window.

the two girls panted as they went back to theirs friends. jonathan went to rescue nancy and followed the other teens that ran to the exit.

the lights were still flickering when they got inside. the flesh and blood from the monster was piled up on the floor. it squelched and moved closer to the sewer beside it. the skin began to fall through the holes, leaving just bones above the surface.


Hawkins, Indiana - Hopper Cabin
third person pov

el was in her room, looking for the holloways in the void. everyone else was either in the living room or the kitchen.

"it can't be good for her to be in there for this long."

"mike, you need to relax." max said. her, y/n, lucas, and mike were all in the living room.

mike paced back and forth. "what if she gets brain damage or something?"

"oh, shit. is that, like, a real thing?" lucas questioned with a shocked tone.

"no, it's not. he made it up. mike doesn't know what the hell he's talking about."

"oh, and you do?" mike turned to max.

"she knows what she's doing. el has had her powers for a long time, she knows her own limits." y/n spoke up.

"and what are you doing? shouldn't you be in there helping her? you have powers but you haven't even done anything to help." mike furrowed his eyebrows in anger.

"she said she wanted to do it herself. if she knows what she's doing then we should let her do it."

"whatever." mike sighed and went back to talking about how it wasn't safe for el to be in the void for so long.

max went over to nancy, jonathan and will in the kitchen. y/n follows and sat down on the stool next to will. "okay, can you guys settle an argument for us?" max began. "who do you think should decided el's limits? mike or eleven?"

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