ch9: " one roller coaster ."

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Hawkins, Indiana - Holloway Residence
third person pov

the group stood at the porch of the holloway household, the two older teens in the front. nancy rang the doorbell and waited for a reply.

but there was nothing. not even footsteps inside.

she rang the doorbell and waited again.


jonathan and nancy looked at each other before turning to look el. eleven focused on the door and burst it open with her mind.

everyone walked in, nancy and jonathan leading the way. "tom?" nancy called out. "heather?"

"jesus it's freezing." max wrapped her arms around herself.

as they walked further into the house, a strong scent up came their nostrils. "do you guys smell that?" nancy asked.

everyone took a strong sniff, trying to get a hint of what it was. nancy and jonathan turned to the kitchen. "oh, god."

tons of cans of cleaning supplies scattered the counters. liquids were spilled all over as well.

"more chemicals." nancy exclaimed as she walked closer. there was a stove (i think) that was fallen on the floor. it had more chemicals on it that were spilled and left open.

jonathan picked up a can and examined it. "you think they're guzzling this shit?"

"yeah, either that or they just went on a hell of a cleaning spree."

y/n picked up a can. "but will didn't eat or drink chemicals last year."

"did you?" max looked at him.

"no. this is something new."

it all clicked into mike's head. "mr. clarke, fifth grade. posit. what happened when you mix chemicals together?"

"you create a new substance."

"what if they're making something?" mike concluded.

"in themselves? i mean, come on, if you drink this crap, it'll kill you." max pointed out.

"yeah, if you're human." lucas said.

nancy began walking towards the dining room, so everyone followed. there was food left on the table along with some slightly burnt cookies.

she then went into the living room. there was a bottle of wine on the carpet. she walked over to it and knelt down on the floor. she put her hand on the blood stain that was on the carpet. "blood."

everyone looked so confused or scared.

"yesterday. tom had a bandage on his forehead." nancy reached for the bottle and examined it. "he was attacked." she stood up.

in the hallway, there was another carpet. it was out of place. the group continued to walk throughout the house. another blood stain was spotted on the carpet.

the older girl opened the door that led to the garage. jonathan bent down next to ropes that were on the floor. "they must have tied them. they must have taken them somewhere."

nancy thought for a moment. "mrs. driscoll. she kept saying 'i have to go back.' what if the flaying, it's taking place somewhere else? there must be a place where all this started, right?"

"a source." y/n thought out loud.

"somewhere he doesn't want us to see." el looked at y/n and back at nancy.

"if we can find the source, then maybe we can stop him. or atleast stop it from spreading, or doing whatever the hell he's doing with those chemicals" nancy spoke.

"how do we find it?" el asked.

"mrs. driscoll." will began. "if she wants to go back so badly, why don't we let her?"

everyone looked at each other. nancy looked at the floor and nodded.


Hawkins, Indiana - Hospital

the car pulled into the parking lot. the group rushed into the hospital, completely forgetting about the lady at the desk.

she was on the phone, talking to someone. "she won't find out. see you're the only one who gon' tell—"

nancy thought they were actually able to walk past until the lady finally noticed them. "whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! excuse me! where do you think you're going?" she put the phone down.

nancy sighed and turned to the lady. "oh, um... i was just going to visit my grandma again. and this...this is my family."

the group looked at the lady. y/n waved with a sarcastic smile as the woman eyed lucas (and you if you're dark skinned) up and down.

lucas smiled kindly. "extended."

"i don't care who they are. you know the rules. two visitors at a time."

"yeah, but—"

"two!" she held up the fingers and went back to the phone. "girl, this child has lost her mind. she brought a whole zoo in here."

nancy and jonathan decided that they would be the ones to go to mrs. driscoll's room while the others stayed down in the waiting room.

y/n sat distantly from the group, going through magazines. max and el stood somewhere else, also reading magazines. mike and lucas were trying to get some snacks from the vending machine.

the machine made a noise and was about to dispense the kitkat that mike payed for. y/n decided it would be funny to use her powers a bit. she watched as the holder moved out of the way, stopping it when it was almost done.

she quickly wiped the blood from her nose and looked back down to her magazine. mike hit the machine angrily. "oh, come on, you piece of shit!"

that's what he gets for being a bitch.

him and lucas repeatedly hit the machine until a bunch of candies fell. the two looked over to see el wiping blood from her nose. "thanks."

y/n scanned the magazine, looking at clothes and thinking about if she would buy them or not. she saw something move in the corner of her eye. she looked up and saw will walking toward her with y/f/c.

he sat down next to her in the chair and held the bag out to her. she cupped her hands together and he poured the candy into it.

"so, how you holding up?" will ended the silence between the two.

"you're asking me that? i should be asking you."

will just shrugged and smiled a bit. y/n smiled at his smile. "i'm fine. i've been better though."

"how's your head?"

"it's better. still stings a bit but i'll live."

will nodded and looked around. "you still up for our fair date? after all this is over."

"for sure. we're gonna get on a roller coaster."

will looked at her, eyes wide, shaking his head. "nope. never. hell no."

"oh, come on!" she whined. "just one, i swear. and if you don't like it we won't get in anymore."

"okay, just one. ONE roller coaster."

"one roller coaster." she smiled.

they continued to talk for a bit and snack on candies, until will felt that familiar feeling. he stood up slowly from his seat and looked up at the lights that were flickering.

"will?" y/n called out, her voice quiet.

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