bonus chapter!! ch17: the date.

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Hawkins, Indiana - Harrington Residence
third person pov

ever since the starcourt mall battle, things have changed. y/n moved in with steve harrington. el moved in with the byers.

will still owed y/n her date, so that's what he planned on doing today. she had just finished getting ready in her room (outfit and hair of your choice!) when she heard a knock at the door.

when she rushed down the stairs, steve was already standing in front of the door talking to will.

"i want her home no later than 9." steve demanded with a finger.

will nodded, a bit intimidated by the older boy. y/n walked over to them, "steve, leave my boyfriend alone. stop scaring him." she turned to will with a smile, "ready to go?"

will nodded with a smile, still looking a bit scared, "yeah. y-you look pretty."

steve squinted his eyes at the boy as y/n and will's hands latched together. y/n turned back to look at steve, "bye, steve."

"bye, have fun. but i don't want any nonsense!"

will blushed heavily and y/n just laughed, "okay, mom."

the got on their bikes and rode away from the house. "i didn't know how scary steve was until he became an older brother." will said while they rode down the street.

"he's just trying to protect me i guess. i don't know why, maybe with all the stuff that's been happening."

will giggled and continued to look out to the road. y/n spoke up again, "so, where are we going?"

"just follow me." will answered simply.

"we better not die."

"we won't, i promise."

they continued to pedal into the town. they pulled up to a forest, the same one they went to when dustin told them about suzie.

"why are we here?" y/n questioned, wondering what he had planned.

"just come on." he held her hand in his and they walked through the forest and up the hill.

they could see dustin's radio from the bottom. it didn't take as long to get up the mountain as it did before.

by the time they got to the top, the sun was setting, and it was the best view. will had set up a little picnic at the top, next to the radio.

he managed to convince dustin to hook it onto a regular music player and it played some of will's and y/n's favorite songs.

"wow, will this is..amazing. i love it." y/n smiled.

will blushed and sat down with the girl on the blanket, "i was hoping you'd like it. i was a bit on a budget.."

"it's perfect. i love it." y/n sat down next to the boy.

will knew it was a very cliche date, but it was the most her could afford. he set it up with the help of his friends and family because they knew how much he loved her.

will opened the basket next to him pulled out some sandwiches. he handed y/n one and opened one for himself.

"thank you. for all of this."

"i promised you a date, so you got a date." will took a bite of his sandwich while he smiled at her.

after a while, the sun was halfway down, the two teens watching it. y/n had her head on will's shoulder.

she looked up at him and noticed how deep in thought he was, "what are you thinking about?"

he snapped out of his thoughts, "what? sorry."

"you're deep in thought." y/n shrugged. "what are you thinking about?"

"i-i need to tell you something." will shifted so his full body was facing her.

"oh, god. you're scaring me." y/n joked with a nervous chuckle.

"so.. my mom has been looking for a new house recently."

y/n listened intently, "oh, wow. but you're still gonna be in hawkins, right?"

will looked up at her and slowly shook his head, "she wants to move us to california.."

"california?! b-but that's on the other side of the country!"

"i know. it's just..we've all been through a lot and she thinks we'll be safer and happier if we don't stay here anymore. this place has so many good but terrible memories. especially for me." will reasoned.

y/n nodded. "you're right. i don't want you to leave, but i think it's best if you do. you've been through so much and you deserve a break."

will looked down at the grass with tears forming in his eyes. "but i don't want to leave. all of my friends are here.'re here."

"well, when do you leave?"

"two months.."

y/n's eyes widened in shock. it wasn't too far away. "it's okay. we'll make the best of these next two months. i promise."

will nodded and smiled through tears, "yeah, we will."

y/n leaned in and kissed him on the lips gently. it was perfect. she pulled away to see him blushing and a flustered mess.

the two enjoyed the last moments of their date together, until it was dark out, the time reaching 8pm and it was time for them to leave. they cleaned up their setup, walked down the hill, and got on their bikes.

"do you want me to ride you home?" will asked.

"after all these years i still don't know how i feel about you riding home by yourself at night. i'll take you home."

"but you have to be home by 9."

"i'll make it." y/n shrugged and took off.

they arrived at the byers' house. will mounted off his bike and dropped it in the front, walking back over to his girlfriend, "see you soon?"

she nodded, "see you soon." y/n leaned in a kissed him softly on the lips. will smiled at her and turned to walk into her house.

"i l-" y/n was about to say it but cut herself off when will turned around. "say hi to your mom for me."

"i will." will walked inside and that's when y/n mentally cursed herself out and quickly rode her way home, realizing what little time she had left till her curfew.

y/n got home and got ready for bed, throwing herself onto her bed. she tossed and turned for hours trying to sleep, but she couldn't, because she only thought of one thing.

she thought of how she only had two months left with the love of her life.

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