ch18: "i love you."

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Hawkins, Indiana - Byers Residence
third person pov

it was the day. today, the byers' we're moving across the country. it was a very sad day for everyone.

lucas, dustin, max, and y/n were all packing in the living room. the friend group ended up forgiving y/n for lying about her abilities. after all, they needed to enjoy their last moments together as a full party.

ever since the mall incident, max and lucas have been making fun of dustin by singing the 'never ending story song' which apparently he had to sing with his girlfriend in order to get planck's constant. y/n wishes she was there to hear it.

"turn around." the two sang together. "look at what you see. in her face, the mirror of your dreams. rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds."

"wait, did we get that verse right?" max paused. "it's 'unfold behind the clouds'?"

"yeah, but you're butchering it, so could you please stop?" dustin kept an annoyed straight face. y/n was sitting next to him, giggling at the whole thing.

"so then join in, dusty-bun." lucas blew him an air kiss."

"yeah, come on, dusty-bun, why don't you sing for us?" y/n asked in a high pitched voice.

"you guys are all so funny, you should be on carson."

"why can't we just hear one verse?" max begged.

"no. no way. it's reserved for suzie's ears and her ears alone."

the three teasers all looked at each other before singing loudly again. y/n saw will walk down the hallway so she stopped singing and got up. "i'll be back." she told dustin.

y/n saw will put the d&d box into the donation box. mike took notice too and looked at will, "woah, dude. that's the donation box."

"i know. i'll just use yours when i come back. i mean, if we still wanna play?"

"yeah, but what if you want to join another party?"

"not possible." will smiled and walked back to his room.

y/n followed behind him and leaned against the door frame. will stood in the middle of his room and looked around. "you ready to get out of here?" y/n spoke up.

will turned around and watched as she stepped forward to get closer to him. he shrugged, "i-i don't know. i don't wanna leave you and the party."

"you know where we'll be at. i'm always gonna be here, in hawkins, waiting for you to come back." y/n grabbed a hold of his hands.

will sighed shakily, "i'm gonna miss you."

"not even the party?" y/n joked, trying to lighten the mood.

will chuckled softly, "yeah, the party too, but you the most."

y/n nodded, "i'm gonna miss you too, but, hey, we always have thanksgiving and christmas and spring."

will nodded with a smile the two just stared at each other until joyce came and knocked on the door frame, "it's time for us to go."

y/n sighed, took will's hand, and the two began to walk outside where the rest of the group was.

y/n walked over to eleven, who had just finished saying goodbye to max. the two looked at each other with sad smiles and hugged tightly.

"i'm going to miss you." eleven spoke into the girls ear.

"i'll miss you too, el. but you can always call me or write letters." y/n smiled sadly, tears falling down her face as well as eleven's.

the two let go of their hug and y/n went to go hug jonathan. he was always like an older brother to her. she was going to miss him. "it's going to be so lame here without you guys." she told him as they let go of the hug.

"i know, but, we'll visit on breaks." he smiled softly to her.

she nodded and walked back to her friends. joyce stood against the car, looking down at the floor. looking at the group say goodbye with tears streaming down their faces was hard for her to watch.

she looked up when she felt a presence beside her. y/n stood there, arms out and open. joyce hugged her with a saddened smile.

"thank you." y/n whispered.

"for what?"

"being my second mom."

joyce pulled away from the hug, ruffled y/n's hair and smiled. "you're welcome. thank you for making my boy so happy."

y/n smiled and walked to said boy as he was just finishing off saying bye to the friend group. the two looked at each other, more tears forming in their eyes as they fell into each others arms.

the two started to cry in each others arms. they were definitely going to miss each other a lot.

"i'll always be here, waiting for you." y/n said as she pulled away from the hug. she kept her hand on his shoulders and he kept his on her waist.

"i'm gonna come back eventually. i promise."

y/n nodded at his statement and just stared into his eyes. the eyes she would always stare at during class while he was so focused on the board, and when he would catch her, the duo would look away from each other smiling and blushing, all flustered. the same eyes she always fell in love with.

will and y/n started to lean in and met in a soft kiss. it was different from the rest. it was sad, but happy. sad because will was going away, but happy because he would be safe now.

when they pulled away, they stared at each other again. it felt like it was just them.

until joyce called. "will!"

they both turned to look at her and noticed the byers' were getting into their vehicles. will looked back at the girl and looked like he wanted to say something desperately.

"i love you." he blurted out quickly.

the first i love you.

"i love you too."

will kissed her one more time before running to jonathan's car and getting into the passenger's seat.

y/n walked over to her friends, who watched as the u-haul van and the car drove away, into the distance, and off to the other side of the country.

the group slowly rode away from the house on their bikes. mike and y/n being the last ones there.

"are you gonna miss him?" mike asked as him and the girl stared at the house.

"i will, definitely, but he's gonna be safe."

"he is. and i bet he's gonna miss you too."

y/n turned back to face the road, seeing mike smiling at her as he turned to the road as well and pedaled off.

y/n went home as well, seeing steve sitting on the couch watching a movie with a bowl of popcorn.

steve knew about the byers', so he knew she would come home upset. y/n stood in front of the couch.

steve pat the spot next to him and she threw herself onto the couch, wrapping herself in a blanket. she took a handful of popcorn and tried to focus on the movie. but she couldn't.

she could only think about the boy she was madly in love with.

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