ch7: " you think this is funny ?"

593 13 4

Hawkins, Indiana - Community pool
third person pov

it was all set up. they were ready. they were ready to have their lives at risk.

billy's shift just ended, he was rinsing off in the showers. el and y/n used their powers to make noises.

"pool's closed."

they made more noises. metal scraping on the floor and doors slamming shut.

"hey." he slammed his locker shut and charged towards the noise. "do you hear me? pool is closed." he tried to push the door open the the restroom, but it was locked.

"billy!" mike's voice could be heard from across the bathroom.

"who's there?" billy began walking towards the voice.

"billy!" he called again, in a sing-song voice.

"who's there?" the older boy asked, in a sing-song like mike's.

the younger boy laughed into the microphone as billy began looking through showers and stalls for the person.

"billy! billy!"

"you think this is funny, huh?"

echoed laughter. "billy. come and find me."

"i find you, it is your funeral." he walked towards the door to the gym room.

"come and get me. come on!"

as he walked into the room, the voice got louder. "billy!"

the dummy could be seen through the window of the sauna. billy paused. "got you." he began to cackle as he got closer and closer to it.

"come and get me, you piece of shit."

the curly-head swung the door open, to reveal the doll. he walked into the little room and grabbed it by its neck, holding it up.

"hey." mike said through the radio. "behind you."

he flipped around and glared at el and y/n.

"hi." the two girls spoke in unison.

billy tried to charge at her, but she nodded her head and threw him against the wall. y/n did the same, slamming the sauna door shut.

everyone else appeared from behind, switching the lights on. mike and lucas went to the door and chained it closed, also adding a tangled metal pipe for extra protection. they ran behind y/n and el.

billy grunted as he slammed his body against the door, trying to open it. he made eye contact with the two girls in front, then the ginger girl behind them. "max."

everyone turned to look at her. saying she looks scared was an understatement. she looked terrified.

"do it." she spoked quietly.

will charged over to the thermostat and turned it all the way up. he ran back to his spot behind y/n, but also next to her.

the heat was crawling up on billy and the monster as well. "max! let me out of here!" he threw himself at the door repeatedly. "let me out." he was so close to the window that his voice was causing fog to blur his mouth.

"you think this is funny? you kids think this is some kind of sick prank, huh?" he spat saliva onto the window. "you little shits think this is funny? what is this? open the door."

he hit the door again, causing the kids to jump back slightly. "open the door! open the door! open the goddamn door!" he bent over and was out of view, starting to scream.

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