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WHAT AN ASSHOLE, that fucker just shoved me for simply breathing! "Watch where your fucking going" I say

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WHAT AN ASSHOLE, that fucker just shoved me for simply breathing! "Watch where your fucking going" I say

He turns around, "Watch your fucking attitude with me" he says back, "Fuck you Valentino" I spit

He flips me off before returning to my brothers room with 2 beers as I return to my room with a smoothie

I fucking hated him with a passion all he's ever done to me was torment me,he was a total dick to me my whole life, FOR WHAT?!

I'd rather kill myself than even have a full conversation conversation with that...that..that imbecile!! UGH

"What happened out there?" Victoria pauses "I heard some shouting" I chuckle, "That dickhead Valentino is here, again."

"Oh my godddd does he ever leave?!" she exclaims, "I don't know man, hopefully, I pay for this apartment I don't want him hereeee" I whine

"I feel sorry for you Ri, well anyways i've gotta go I have a hot new date with this guy I met at a club last night," she stands up grabbing her jacket, "Ya know, you should go out with me sometime, it's lots of fun!"

"Please, as if Alex would ever let me go out to a club" Victoria scoffs, "Your 25, you shouldn't need permission from him to go out, cmon!"

"Go away Vic!" I laugh and she scurry's out the room

˚ ˚

"Alex i'm going out!" I call out getting ready to exit the house

"Where?" A deep voice asks, I grit my teeth together, let out a deep breath and turn around

"None of your fucking business Valentino." I state, he chuckles, "Your dressed like a whore, go change." I could already tell my cheeks were turning red from anger

"Go away! You can't just call me a fucking whore what the fuck is wrong with you!" I shout, "Where the fuck is Alex anyway."

"With Nova" He replies calmly, "looks like your not going anywhere!" he points to the empty key tray behind me,the only key left is his key to his Ferrari, I curse under my breath looking back at the infuriating man in front of me

"I'm stuck here...with you?!" I laugh, "That's not happening, go home." I try walking past him but his tough chest stops me, I try pushing him but he doesn't budge, "Move!" he shakes his head no

"Your brother ordered me to watch you since your such a brat, so if I 'go home'" he says with quotes, "You would come with me, I really don't wanna fight him today"

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