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"Wakey Wakey!"

I turn around to look for who woke me up. I turn my head side to side, searching until I finally spot Dominic. "Oh hi." I stretch and yawn. "What time is it?" I look for the alarm but he stops me. "Yeah don't bother checking the time. Just start getting dressed." I hum and roll over, the blanket falling with me.

"Ow." I groan and stand up, waiting for Dominic to leave. He stares at me with confusion, "Can you leave please?" he makes an 'O' shape with his mouth and he exits the room.

I get up and walk to the bathroom, sluggishly as i'm still tired. I brush my teeth, take a quick shower and do my hair.

I'm in the middle of diffusing my hair with a diffuser i found in the cabinet when a knock on the door interrupts me. "Who is it?" I ask while shutting the diffuser off.

"Are you ready yet?" I curse and put the diffuser down and open the door. "Uhh just a few more minutes." Valentino eyes my half wet half dry hair and raises a brow. "Right. You have 10 minutes." My mouth drops and I immediately run back to the bathroom.

I turn the diffuser to the highest setting, trying to do my hair as quick as possible. I really did not want to get left behind.

I quickly change into leggings and a hoodie I find thrown on the floor, since when did I buy this? Whatever. I throw it on along with my beat up air forces and walk out, throwing my hair up in a quick ponytail as I do.

"Look at that. Exactly ten minutes." Val- I mean Alé looks at his watch then Dominic. "Let's get going then!" Dominic bites his lip in anticipation and runs towards the door.

I let a small laugh slip out and watch as he practically throws himself in the car. "No. Backseat Dom."

Dominic's jaw drops. "You're gonna let her sit in the front?" Valentino scoffs, "Let my fiancé sit in the front? Yes." I bite my lip but lean in to whisper something in his ear.

"Does he know it's fake?" I ask as he places our bag in the trunk. "Nope. He thinks we're actually engaged." he smirks and shuts the trunk before walking around to the other side. Going to the driver's side.


"Oh baby," I smile, opening and closing my hands then point at the car door, "Won't you open my door for me dear." he grunts and walks around to open my door and I grin happily.

This can be used to my advantage.

I climb into the car and watch as his jaw clenches whilst he shuts the door.

"Wow. You have him wrapped around your finger huh?" I hm and look back at Dominic who's staring at me in shock, "What?" I ask while re-applying my lip gloss.

"He's never opened doors for anymore. Not even our mom." I stay quiet. He's just doing it to be realistic. "Well I am his fiancé. I would hope he opens and closes my doors!" I smile and quickly turn back around.

Alé enters the car, setting it to drive then speeding off. "Where are we going first?" I ask as I watch his hand grip the transmission, the other on the steering wheel. "Dominic where first?" He asks rather than answering me.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚Where stories live. Discover now