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            VALENTINO opened the door to his penthouse

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            VALENTINO opened the door to his penthouse. I gaped at how big it is, "You have this big ass house, and yet you decided to stay in my apartment?!" I scream in frustration

"Yeah basically" He shrugs his shoulders and places his key on the key holder. "Sit down Adriana" He mumbles

I listen and sit down, obviously with an attitude. "What the actual fuck are you talking about? Is this some sort of sick joke?! WIFE?! Are you joking me right now!" I just kept going on and on and on and on, insulting him every chance I got.

"Look, here's what happened" He sighs and relaxes into the couch with a beer in his hand, when the fuck did he even get that?

"In order for me to get the business handed over to me, I needed a wife or just some sort of.." he pauses and looks around, "Place holder?" he sounds uncertain

"And your parents recommended you. They were all like 'Oh yeah yeah my little Adriana is perfect, she's ready to be a wife anyway blah blah blah blah' and I was like 'fuck no I don't want her; anyone but her' shit like that" he says humorously.

"But-" he cuts me off and I sigh loudly, "I didn't even send those flowers or that ring, I would've chosen something...how do I say this..more grand, more expensive"

"More expensive than this?!" I pull out the ring and open the box, he grabs the ring and tosses it on the floor, "Never knew my parents were such cheapskates" He rolls his eyes and I furrow my brows.

"So what now? How does this go? You can't just force me into marrying you! Does Alex know about this?"

"Oh he knows, he was at the meeting" He smirks at me and I glare at him. "Fuck you" I spit standing up.

"I have a fucking boyfriend what do I do!" I start pacing back and forth until I finally look at him, "What about Leo!" I slump onto the couch in frustration.

"You mean the guy who's sleeping with your cousin,his co-worker,your so called best friend and your step sister?" My eyes widen, "What the hell are you talking about!"

"You don't know do you?" He lets out a slight chuckle, "He's been cheating on you for years Adriana, years." I gasp slightly, "He wouldn't!"

"Oh he would" He stands up and shrugs his jacket off, "Feel free to explore considering this is your new home" He smirks and walks away leaving me completely stunned.

What the fuck just happened? Why did Alex agree? What were they talking about in the warehouse? I have so many questions.

I slowly stand up and start wandering around until I find a closed door, assuming it's his, I open it and peek inside, "How am I supposed to sleep in jeans and a hoodie, specifically your hoodie?" I ask

I step in closer and find something I did NOT want to see. Valentino was...jerking off...it's literally been like 3 minutes since he left the living room what the actual fuck?!

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