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"Princessa, come here."

Valentino calls me over. I walk over and stand by his side. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in close. I start to question why, but see a group of people standing at the same entrance from yesterday.

"These are my personal trainers, and considering we are engaged, your personal trainers as well."  I smile and nod, reaching my hand out to greet them, but Valentino yanks my hand back to my side. "Ok then. Am I training today too?"

"We only had scheduled time for Valentino." I frown and drop my head, I was kind of excited to learn to fight, "No." Valentino says while putting on a pair of fingerless gloves. "You will make time for her."

"But sir-" he cuts them off and throws them a wad of cash, "Do I need to pay more?" the trainer shakes his head side to side and leads us through a small door in the ballroom. "Valentino. You didn't have to do that I would've been fine." he scoffs and playfully bumps into me, "I saw how disappointed you were when they said they wouldn't have time. Can't have my fiancée upset now, can I?" I bite my lip, "No, you cannot." I waltz into a room with a boxing ring, punching bags, weights, whips, all sorts of equipment.

"Am I dressed properly?" I look down at my clothes not sure if i should be wearing something even more casual. "Yes. You're fine." I rock back and forth on my heels and kiss my teeth. "Alrighty then, uhh, what am I supposed to do?" Valentino grins, grabs my hand, leads me to the boxing ring, then calls up one of the female trainers. "You," he points at her, "Teach her," he then points at me, "how to fight."

I can't lie, i'm really nervous. She's clearly stronger than me if she's getting paid to fight me. Please go easy on me. "Hi, I'm Adriana." I try to make small talk as I stretch. "Layla." is all she says. "Soo," I start a new stretch and move closer to her, "Where are starting?" she side-eyes me then starts a new stretch as well. "The ring."

I pause and stand up, "We're already starting in the ring? But I don't..." she glares at me then scoffs before muttering 'weak' just loud enough that i could barely hear her. "No. No no no. I can do it." I smile and climb into the boxing ring, following behind her. "So what do I-" i get cut off when she swings at me, which I luckily duck. "Hey! That wasn't fair-" she stands up straight and tilts her head to the side before smirking. "Welcome to fighting babe."

I grunt and follow her stance, slightly bending down and putting my fists up in front of me. "Good." she says while taking another swing which I block by catching her fist. "Interesting. You have nice reflexes." she reaches her fist out to give me a fist bump which I gladly take, but instead she fakes me out and punches me right in the nose, causing me to stumble backwards. "Fuck." I mutter while checking for blood, and luckily for me, there's lots of blood.

"I think I need...a break." Layla laughs and helps me stand up. "Sorry for that, but your reflexes are amazing. You could put that to good use." I smile up at her and put my hand up for a high five and when she goes to high five me back, I slap her. She laughs, "Nice one."

I sit on the bench with a tissue up to my nose, waiting for the blood to stop when my eyes land on Valentino, and oh my god. He looks fucking hot. Jesus christ. He's shirtless, his sweatpants hanging low on his waist exposing his boxers, his hair and forehead damp with sweat as he punches the biggest and hardest punching bag in the room. My breathing gets faster as I watch him switch hands and grunt with every punch. Ho.Ly.Shit.

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