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The plane ride to New York was absolute hell. We made multiple stops because Valentino had to meet a few people which took hours and I was dying of boredom.

I still had no phone so I couldn't play my no wifi games or text Gabby or Victoria.

OH MY GOD. GABBY AND VICTORIA. They must be so worried about me. I feel horrible.

I feel like i'm forgetting someone else...

My boyfriend. Shit! My boyfriend Leo? Theo? Geo? Something like that.

He must be worried too.

Wait, what did Valentino tell me the other day? He was cheating on me right? He can't be, he loves me and I love him.



"Hey uh Valentino can I borrow your phone? I need to call someone" he shakes his head and shoos me away with his hand. "Why not?" I cross my arms and frown.

"Who do you need to call anyway?" he asks, still not looking at me. "A friend" I say sternly while reaching out for his phone.

"And why do you need to call this friend of yours?" Valentino just keeps typing away on his keyboard as I mock his words. "I need to let him-I mean her know that i'm okay."

He hums and hands me his phone. "Make it quick. We land in five." I nod and quickly walk back to the bedroom.

I quickly type in Leo's number and call him. I hold on the phone to my ear waiting for him to pick up and on the 3rd ring he does.

"Hello?" I bite my lip at his voice, "Hey Leo..it's Adriana, I just uh wanted to let you know that-" Leo cuts me off mid sentence.

"Where the fuck are you?!" I flinch at his harsh tone of voice. "I'm at my brothers house. He wanted me to look at how the renovations are going so far.." my sentence comes out in stutters but I sound confident enough that he won't realize i'm lying.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚Where stories live. Discover now