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Alex bursts through the front doors as I pour myself a bowl of cereal.

Is he being serious?

I stop pouring the cereal and slowly turn to look at Alex. "Are you being for real right now?" I scoff and watch as he kicks his shoes off. "Yes i'm being for real why the fuck are you mad."

I choose to ignore him because what the actual fuck is he saying. "Stop being a bitch and answer me Adriana."

"Don't fucking call me a bitch." I snap, narrowing my eyes at him. "You know exactly why i'm mad shut the fuck up." I grab my bowl and try to storm off but Alex stops me.

"Can you answer the fucking question? I'm confused why you're mad at me!" he raises his voice and towers over me.

"You know how i feel about you doing anything more than weed." I push him but he doesn't move, "You don't get to fucking decide what I do Adriana you aren't my mom, you're my younger sister for gods sake!!" he scoffs and walks away from me.

"You're right. Next time your ass ends up addicted again, im not fucking helping you. You can take yourself to rehab." I shut the door behind me and make sure to lock it.

At times like these I really wish I had friends who weren't such cunts.

"Adriana fuck im sorry. Please talk to me." I ignore him and look for my duffel bag. "Don't ignore me." he demands.

I find the duffel bag and start stuffing a bunch of shit into it. Enough for at least a week. "Fine. Keep being a bitch then."

I text Via to come pick me up and she automatically says yes, as she should.

Via is our older sister who moved out a few years ago and she's always been there for me. I'm glad I have her now. "Hello? Via?"

"Hm?" she hums into the phone then gasps when she realizes who called. "Oh my gosh! Adriana!" I smile and sigh.

"I have a question."

"Yeah what's up?" there's a short silence before she groans, "Are you busy...?" I question. "No. I'm just working out." that's when i hear the treadmill. "Ohh ok! Well I was wondering if I could stay with you for a few days maybe a week..?"

"Huh? But what about you're fiancé?" she pauses, inhaling deeply. "Congrats by the way!" if only she knew...

"Yeah we had a small argument. Can I just stay with you until we sort it out?" she giggles and i bear a button click before she speaks again, "I remember when Enzo and I first got married. Ugh we argued all the time." I can hear her smile over the phone.

"So yes..?" I ask hopefully. She laughs, "Of course you can." I sigh and smile, "Thank you Via! Ill be there in 20!"

Please get me out this hell hole already!!

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I knock on the double doors and wait for an answer. I don't know why but I didn't expect Via to live in this type of house for some reason.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚Where stories live. Discover now