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"Oh yes right there!"

I moan as Dominic massages my shoulder, wiggling under his touch. "Harder." I groan as he hits a tight muscle.

Valentino snaps. "Enough. Adriana, I will give you the massage." he grabs my forearm and drags me across Dominic's lap, shoving Dominic where my seat once was and placing me where Dominic sat before.

"Where?" I clear my throat and tap my neck and shoulders. "Your neck?" I nod and he starts moving his hands on my shoulders.

Slowly his hand lets go of my shoulder and instead grips the front of my neck.

My eyes widen and he leans in close to my ear, "Only I can give you massages, understood?" I nod and he lets go of my neck.

He was jealous.

"Ok..just give me a massage." I mutter while relaxing into his hands. I groan when he massages a muscle so tight, it hurt. "Good?" he asks while slowing down.

"Yes." I urge him to continue and roll my neck. "Ooh right there." i mumble as he hits a tight muscle.

I hear a light tap behind me and then Valentinos hands leave my neck. Then, he's softly putting my hair behind me. "We're here." he mutters as he shrugs his suit back on.

"Oh..ok, well can you continue back at the hotel?" i ask hoping he'd say yes, because damn him, he was good at this. "If i have time, just remind me." I nod and leave the car behind him.

"Is this the hotel we're staying at?" I ask while admiring the big white building, lined with gold standing in front of me.

He turns his head to stare at me, "Yes." I cock a brow, "Really?" I ask sarcastically. He just stares at me for one more second before turning his head forward, and walking through the glass double doors.

I stay behind to walk with Dominic. "Is he always like this?" I ask while giving him a playful shove with my hips. "You should know better than anyone." he smiles at me and my eyes widen, forgetting we're 'engaged'. Shit.

I quickly change the subject, "Do you know if he uh...got 3 separate rooms or like 2 rooms with 2 separate beds..?" please please pleaseee don't question me!

"He got 2 separate rooms, why?" I shut my eyes and curse under my breath. "I was just wondering, no reason." I smile and walk ahead of him.

We walk towards Valentino who's currently checking us in and stand next to him. "Thank you." he grabs the key cards and hands one to Dominic. "Where's mine?" I ask hoping he forgot one for me.

"We're sleeping together tonight, Adriana." I sigh and nod. "Are you guys arguing right now?" Dominic asks with a cocked brow. I hum but Valentino pinches me, "No. We aren't. She's on her period and doesn't want any risk of fucking tonight." my eyes widen at his obscure lie.

"I did not need to know that." Dominic mutters then quickly pushes past us. Once he's by the elevator Valentino grabs my hand.

I pause.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚Where stories live. Discover now