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"I haven't asked him fuckwad!"

"What? Just spit out." I kiss my teeth and look around before blurting it out. "I'm going on a mission with Valentino and Dominic!"

Alex's jaw slightly opens before he slowly turns to look at Val. "And you're letting her do this you piece of shit?" Valentino nods with no hesitation, "She offered and I really did not want to have to talk to Aliah again." he rolls his eyes.


"If something happens to her you're fucking over, understood?" Alex stands up and shoves Valentino, showing he's serious about this. "Nothings gonna happen. She'll be fine."

"When are you leaving?" Alex's jaw ticks and he rubs his chin. "Tomorrow morning." Alex curses under his breath and glances at me before looking back at Valentino and saying something only they can hear.

"I won't." Valentino promises with a stern look on his face as his gaze settles on me. I look away trying to avoid eye contact as they both exit my room.

I almost close the door but pause when I realize what he said- tomorrow?! "Wait!" I follow them into the living room and grab Val's bicep. "We're leaving tomorrow?" I ask. Why couldn't he tell me when I first volunteered now i have no time to pack!

"Yes, tomorrow morning." he answers as he strolls to the couch. "Nuh uh." I cross my arms and shake my head. That's not nearly enough time. He narrows his eyes and raises his brow, "Nuh uh?" he asks with a hint of amusement.

"Yup. There's no way i'm gonna be able to pack my bags, for a god knows, how long, trip in a day." I shake my head again. "Yeah, no. That's not gonna work."

"Then you're not coming." I frown, "I am coming no matter what." Valentino tilts his head and licks his bottom lip . "Then get to packing, sweetheart."

Goddamnit. Why was that little movement so goddamn attractive? Fuck. I am not attracted to him or his stupid muscles and stupid plump lips.

"Oh my gosh fine! How long is it?" he looks down at his pants then back at me, "I dunno..maybe around 8,9 inches?" my eyes widen and my cheeks turn red. "T-that's not what I meant.."

He smirks, "Then what did you mean?" he asks. The second I try to speak I stutter over my words, "I meant how long is the uh trip.." my eyes dart around the room, looking at everything but him. "I have no idea how long this could take. I'd say pack for at least a week." I nod, remembering the clothes we bought back in new york.

"Alrighty..." I rock back and forth, cracking my knuckles. "I'm gonna get to it then." I point towards my room and back away towards it.

I shut my eyes and try to forget the embarrassment from less than a minute ago. I can't believe Alex heard that and didn't say anything!

I huff, tie my hair up and get ready to pack.

「 ༝༚༝༚ 」

2 hours have passed and I think I'm finally done! I asked Dominic where we were going because 1.I was too scared to ask Valentino and 2.I needed to know what to pack for.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚Where stories live. Discover now