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I DIALED LEO AND HE PICKED up on the second ring

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I DIALED LEO AND HE PICKED up on the second ring. "Hey Leo, did you send me flowers and a ring with a note?" I kept looking down at the note as I sat on the bench waiting for the bus.

After the bus doesn't show up I give up and decide to just take my car home.

"Uhm..fuck...what? no" My eyebrows furrow, "What..ok bye love you" I don't get a response as he hangs up right away.

"Weird..." I clutch the flowers in my hand harder as I walk towards my car. As i got closer I saw a shadow underneath my car.

I took a deep breath and opened the door from afar, quickly getting in and shutting the door, making sure to lock it.

I start the car and try to speed off but my tire was slashed, a tear started to fall down my face.

No please not today, i'm not ready...

I'm not ready

I'm not ready

I'm not ready...

A hand grasps my neck and I gasp, "Hey beautiful, your gonna earn me lots of money" A hot breath hits my necks as the person let's go of my neck.

"Please...I won't tell...I don't have anything to give you...please let me go!" I'm now sobbing, "Oh no sorry baby girl but I need the money"

Baby girl? I know that nick name...

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6 years ago

"A-Alex..w-where's m-mom.." I snuggle closer to his chest as my tears drip down my cheek and onto my sunflower dress.

"Shh, it'll be ok, just stay calm for me Ri..." I nod trying to breath normally, slowly dad approaches us. "Hey kiddos, your moms sleeping right now, just give her some time she'll wake up soon"

Daddy looks at me and smiles, "Hey baby girl, wanna get ice cream like the good old days?" I shake my head no but Alex pinches my arm causing me to nod my head yes.

"Good! Cmon! Alex you stay here." He grasps my arm and pulls me out of the playroom, into the living room, down to the garage and into the car.

"So Adriana, what ice cream flavor are you going to get?" I wipe my eyes slowly and softly looking over at him, "I-I don't know..m-maybe v-vanilla" I whisper

"You always get vanilla though, why don't you let me get you something this time?" I slightly nod and he steps out the car.

I play with my fingers, scared for what's gonna happen next. I look out the window and see daddy put something on the ice cream.

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