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        "GOOD morning my dear fiancé" I look at the asshole who's currently slumped onto the couch- totally hungover

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"GOOD morning my dear fiancé" I look at the asshole who's currently slumped onto the couch- totally hungover

I snort and move towards the kitchen to sit on a bar stool. "You look fucked" I blurt out without realizing

My eyes widen the second I realize what I just told him.

Ok i know that i'm known for being brutally honest with people butttt Valentino scares me..

Valentino slowly turns his head towards me and glares at me as I slowly glance away.

"Do you want breakfast?" He asks while standing up. He wobbles just enough to stumble back a bit and I grin.

"No i'm good.." I reply while staring at him still. "Alright then" he quickly sits back down on the couch and I sit next to him.

"What was up with you last night?" I question while watching me fiddle with his rings. "What do you mean?"

"You were like super horny last night" his eyes widen and he turns his head to look at me, "What?!"

I snort and glance away from him while biting my lip, "Yeah you were trying to like hook up with me.." I say casually

"No way in hell would I ever hook up with you!" I smirk at him then throw my leg over his so i'm straddling him

"Not even once?" I pout and move toward him a little before getting up, "I've gotta go, bye!" I wave at him and make my way back over to 'my' room

I groan and remember I have no clothes to wear, "Valentinoooo" I call out and soon he strolls in with yet another beer in his hand

It's literally like 10 am why is he already drinking??

"I don't have any clothes" I plop down on my bed with a sigh and he just rolls his eyes

"That sucks"

And with that he walks out leaving me totally speechless.

"Asshole" I yell making sure he can hear me.

I hear a low chuckle and slide on my sneakers. "I'm leaving" I state before walking out his penthouse.

"No your not. You cannot leave this apartment unless I take you" I stop in my tracks and face Valentino who I guess was following me without me realizing

"Why?" He grips my arm and drags me back into the penthouse shutting the door behind him. "Because if you couldn't tell 1.I live in a very secluded place and 2.you obviously have a target on your back." He states matter of factly.

"I don't give a fuck" I say trying to walk away but yet again he grabs me and places me on the couch, "Where do you need to go?"

"My parents house" He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, "Fine. I'll call them over"

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