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"I still don't understand why we have to live together."

I sigh dramatically and sit on the stool, leaning on my elbows on the counter as I watch Valentino pour himself cereal.

"Do you want to stay with Alex?" he asks with an attitude. My mouth opens and he rolls his eyes.

Sassy man apocalypse is real, damn.

"Well, no, but-" I sigh in defeat as he smirks and takes a bite of his cereal. My stomach grumbles. Fruity pebbles seem really good right now..

"Can I have some?" I blurt out. Suddenly the hunger leaves my body and I take back my words. "I- I'm sorry I don't know why I said that. I don't want th-" Val shuts me up by shoving the spoon in my mouth and pushing the bowl towards me.

"Eat. I can get myself more." He turns away and pours himself another bowl but i can't help but feel guilty as I watch him pour the milk.

I literally just stole his breakfast. I didn't even mean to. "Val..take your bowl back I didn't want your cereal I don't know why I said that.." he rolls his eyes again, "Will you just shut up and eat your goddamn breakfast?" I reluctantly nod and take a bite. I murmur another sorry as I swallow my cereal.

"Uhm.." I try to fill the silence but I don't know what to say. His green eyes are intimidating and make me lose my train of thought. "What?" he asks when I open my mouth but nothing comes out.

"I..don't know." I admit with a sigh. "Well actually-" I try to talk but am rudely interrupted by the front door swinging open and Valentino grabbing the gun taped under the counter.

I gasp and look at the scene before me. Valentino pointing the gun at someone and that someone peacefully taking his coat and shoes off. "Fuck Dominic. You can't just fucking burst in here like you own the place. You scared me." Val sighs and places the gun back under the counter.

"Sorry big bro. I thought I told you I was coming over.." he stops talking and looks at me. "Why hello there." he smirks and sits next to me. "Who is this gorgeous woman here?" I blush and glance at Dominic, "You think i'm gorgeous?" I ask quietly.

He nods and pets my hair. "Very gorgeous." he confirms. I stand up and quickly put my bowl in the sink before trying to run back to my room but Val yanks my arm.

"Ow?" I scoff and try to get out of his hold. "Don't fucking talk to her. Don't call her gorgeous. Don't even look at her. Understood?" Dominic smirks and nods, "Yes sir." I roll my eyes.

"Yes sir." I mock while he lets go of me. Obviously that wasn't a good idea and he pulls me back. "Say that again." his breath hits my face, our noses grazing each other.

"I.." I decide not to repeat myself and close my mouth. "Nothing." I say quietly. "That's what I thought." he spits before letting me go.


"What did you just call me?" he asks in disbelief. My eyes widen, "Did I just say that out loud..?" he nods and pokes his tongue into his cheek.

I slowly step backwards before running away before he can say anything else.

Being the nosy skank I am, I wanna know why his brother, Dominic, is here. I slowly and quietly open the door and tip toe into the hallway, listening to their conversation.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚Where stories live. Discover now