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I shoot up from where i'm laying down and look around at my surroundings. As I look down at Val everything comes rushing back to my mind. "Fuck..."

"Mmm lay down." Valentino grumbles. I sigh and lay down next to him. Playing with his hair. "Why are you doing that." his body tenses and he's now fully awake.

"Uhm I don't know.." I move my hand away and Valentino quickly stands up. "Alex told me you could go back home. So uhm pack up your stuff and you can go back." my heart sinks.

Did he not want me here? Does he want me gone? All types of scenarios fill my head.

"Okay.." I climb out of bed and quickly go to pack my stuff. When i'm done I ask Val to call an uber. He calls one with no problem.

When the uber gets here I don't get a single goodbye. Not even a bye. Not even a fuck you. Just a slammed door.

I spend the whole ride staring out the window wondering why he showed no emotion when I left.

"Thank you." I hand the money to the uber driver and walk inside my apartment lobby and into the elevator.

The second I walk in i'm greeted by my amazing older brother. "ALEX!!" I run and jump into his arms, dropping all my bags on the ground.

"Hey cupcake" he rubs my back and hugs me back tightly. I smile and set myself back onto my feet. "Why?" I ask quietly referring to why he didn't tell me. Not just the engagement but I still haven't even gotten a full explanation to what happened back at the warehouse

"I'm sorry for not telling you I just didn't know what to say.." he drops his head and stares at the floor. "Alex. It's fine." he smiles gratefully and pulls me in for another hug. "I'm sorry." he mumbles one last time into my cheek.

"Is Nova here?" he hums and points to his room. "You came at kind of a bad time.." I look down and realize he's only in his boxers. "Oh my God. Have you guys been doing this the whole time I was gone?!" he whistles and walks to the kitchen, ignoring my question.

That was all I needed.

"Ew!" I run to my room and close the door behind me. It felt nice to be back but a part in me was still hurt that Valentino had practically kicked me out.

I take off my going out clothes and change into my clothes. My pajamas. I sigh and lay down on my bed, turning on my tv. God it felt good to be home again.

I play the summer I turned pretty season 1 wanting to rewatch the show. A knock at my door interrupts me. "Adriana," I hum and pause my show, "Tori's here." my smile drops. He cocks a brow, clearly confused why i'm not happy but I wave him away.

"Uh tell her i'll be there in a second." he nods and shuts the door behind him.

I take a deep breath, making sure that when I see her bitch ass I won't beat the shit out of her.

I walk into the living room and see Victoria sitting on the couch using her phone. I clear my throat and she subtly rolls her eyes, obviously not subtly enough because I see her doing it. "Riri!!" she runs and pulls me in for a big hug.

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