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"Stop doing that

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"Stop doing that."

* Another theme change hehe

{ Unedited }


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"Are you fucking kidding me." Valentino groans and starts pacing back and forth while dialing a number, "Are you fucking kidding Killian?!" he yells into the phone. "I specifically told you one suite, TWO beds and what do I arrive to? One goddamn bed!"

Killian is gonna get ittttt

"You're in deep shit Castro." and with that he hangs up the phone and glares at me but before I can speak he talks. "You're sleeping on the floor." He peels off his clothes and starts getting comfortable on the bed.

Abs.Chain.Boxers.Muscles. Must stay focused.

"Like hell I am!" I grab a pair of pajamas I bought and change into them before sliding under the comforter with Val.

"Get the fuck off!" I roll my eyes and turn around so my back is facing towards him. Suddenly I feel myself falling onto the floor and glare at him. "Fucking deal with it!" I lay back down and this time elbow him in his ribs.

"This is my side. Don't fucking cross it." I put an imaginary border — a pillow — between us and he sighs. "If you're gonna sleep on the bed with me, at least be comfortable." he throws the pillow onto the floor and switches sides so our backs our facing each other.

The next morning I find myself laying on something hard and rigid. I peek up and see Valentinos face, lips parted, hair messy, eyes closed.

I try to move but he just grips me tighter and groans. I try again but the farthest I got was on my back.

I sigh and just stay there, looking at the ceiling. I feel his hand start to travel up my body and land on my right boob.

I quietly gasp at the intimate touch and his thumb start to absentmindedly rub my nipple. I try to withhold a moan as I arch my back. I haven't been touched like this since high school holy fuck.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚Where stories live. Discover now