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Valentino gently drags towards the dance floor and positions us into the starting position. His hands rests on the small of my back whilst mine on his neck. "Is this really necessary?" I ask while we starting moving side to side slowly. He smiles and nods, "Yes." he spins me around then brings me back to him. "Did you enjoy meeting my friends?" I furrow my brows, "Well, they were all pleasant. Killian was a bit rough but i understand considering the business he's in." Valentino hums then spins me around once more so my back is against his front, then we sway side to side again.

"How come you want to go back to the hotel room?" he asks. I slightly frown, do I tell him that his brother made me upset or just tell him the amount of alcohol I consumed is making me feel sick. Definitely the second option. "I think I just drank too much. I just need to rest. I can always go alone if you want to stay longer." he spins me back around and grips my chin so i'm forced to look at him, "No. I won't let you walk back to the 5th floor alone. Not with all these perverts around." should I be flattered?

"I wouldn't want to ruin your night. I would feel guilty afterwards." he lets out a harsh exhale before speaking, "No, I can't have you dead, then you'd be no use to me or my family anymore." I roll my eyes and walk away from him since the music is now over. "How about, we say our goodbyes then leave?"I hum, "Ok. I'll wait at the bar." he shakes his head no and tries to bring me with him but I don't move, "I feel really sick. I don't want to end up throwing up on one of your friends." he sighs and drops his head, "Fine. But you don't move from that bar, am I understood?" I nod and immediately start walking towards the bar.

I have a seat and watch as he says bye to every one of his friends, then family. Then I start to wonder why Alex didn't come. My thoughts are interrupted when there's a light tap on my shoulder. I squeal and jump up from my chair. The man that tapped my shoulder laughs before sitting in the seat next to mine. I don't say anything as he stares at me. Although I didn't know who he was, he was quite attractive. Finally he speaks up. "Adriana, is it?" I hum and fiddle with my fingers, "Hmm, how'd you know?"

"Word gets around." is all he says before ordering a drink. "What's your name?" I ask after a moment of silence passes by. "D-" before he can answer he's cut off. "Baby, come back." A petite girl with elbow length hair caresses his arm and glares at me. "And who is this?" she asks while examining me. "No one. Let's go back to the table." he doesn't spare me another glance as he leaves.

Someone taps my shoulder once again, but this time i know who it is. "Hi," I sigh and get up from my seat. "Ready?" he asks. I nod and start walking towards the exit, Valentino trailing behind me. "Did you have fun?" i tilt my head side to side, "Ehh," he hums. "What could've been better?" I bite my lip to hide my smile before cracking a joke, "What is this? A customer service survey?" I stop myself from laughing as I look up at him but he doesn't even grin. I thought it was pretty funny.

I stop smiling and look straight at the elevator doors. It's really silent in here. Like reallyyyy silent. It's kinda awkward. I decide to break the silence by asking a question. "Are we sleeping in separate beds tonight?" he sighs, "Once again. No. I asked for two beds yet they only gave us one." now it's my turn to sigh. The doors open and I step out, starting to walk towards our room. "So what are we gonna do now?" I ask as he opens the front door with the keycard. "Sleep in one bed." he mumbles.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚Where stories live. Discover now