Looking on London

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            Soon six thestrals had appeared, and the group saddled up, well, without saddles.  Luna and Harry, the only two who could see the beasts, helped the others find their rides.  But they couldn’t help them be any less terrified to feel like they were floating through midair.

            Riding bareback was a new experience for Luna.  Riding at all was new to her.  The closest to a horse for Luna had been the Hogwarts Express.  She breathed deeply, closing her lids over fearful gray-blue eyes.  Then, Luna nudged the thestral’s belly with her sneakers.  She felt the air around her change and her gut lurched for a moment.  She gasped.

            Opening her eyes the world around Luna had changed.  Quite drastically, in fact.  The Forbidden Forest was shrinking below them rapidly as they rose swiftly.  Hogwarts loomed ahead, but soon they were well up and over their school and part-time home.

            Luna turned to see Harry next to her, determination glinting under his glasses.  Neville looked about ready to soil his trousers and Ginny seemed to be trying to figure out how to hold on.  Hermione was focused on not falling off and Ron’s hair was flying in all directions.  Luna’s own blond hair was whapping in the wind.  She seemed to be the only one wearing a smile and she wished should wasn’t but she couldn’t help it.  Everything about their situation read “frown” but the pure joy of flying was enough to choke the desire to be serious.  Her lips thirsted for an upward curve and she gave into their craving, allowing them a moment of content.

            “Does anyone really know how to get to London?” Ron called out.  They were passing over some fields not too far from Hogwarts.  Luna didn’t know how to get to London.  She was completely dependent on someone else knowing where they were.

            “Yes!” Hermione responded.  “I go to London all of the time with my parents.  We are maybe ten minutes away!” 

Harry remained silent through this exchange.  Perhaps Luna had expected him to speak up, seeing as he was the leader, but she supposed there wasn’t really any reason for him to.

The remaining minutes ticked away in silence, only the rushing wind filling their ears.  Then, a skyline came into view.  “There it is!” Ginny cried, her voice pointing for her hands that dared not move from their death grip on her thestral.  London was before them.  Light was leaving them; it stayed behind them, slowly drifting downwards.  But for now the city was lit before them in all its glory. 

Luna had not seen the city since she was little.  Her mum had taken her while her father had been away for work.  They had seen a play, window shopped, and eaten at a restaurant Luna knew even then that they couldn’t afford.  Luna envisioned the actors in the play, done up in crazy make-up and costumes, not the actual play.  Then, she could feel the damp cobblestone beneath her feet as they walked from storefront to storefront, looking for nothing in particular.  She remembered silk table clothes and waiters in suits at the restaurant and could still smell the food on her plate, although she could not even remember what it was.  She just remembered that it smelled good.  It smelled wonderful.  That day was bliss. 

Luna didn’t understand how she could remember it so crystal clear.  It hadn’t struck her this much before Mum had passed away, she supposed.  She hadn’t even remembered that day until now.  Since the accident, Luna had been spontaneously remembering remembrances involving her mum.  She knew it probably should have been unsettling, but instead Luna found these memories (some happy and some painful) comforting.  It was as if Mum was still with her.  It reminded Luna that her mum wasn’t lost and neither was she.

As the batch of thestrals approached the city, it was Hermione’s turn to ask a question instead of answering, this time directing it at Harry.  “How do we get inside the Ministry?  Where do we go?”

“There’s an old telephone booth that’s the visitor’s entrance,” Harry answered.  “It’s not too far now.  We should be there in a minute or two.”

And sure enough, they landed as quietly as they could in an alley.  Dismounting as gracefully as they all could manage, Harry led them down the street to a red telephone booth that did indeed look a bit past its golden days.  All six of them crammed inside and Harry dialed a number.  A female voice suddenly appearing through the phone said, “Welcome to the Ministry of Magic.  Please state your name and reason for visiting.”

“Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood and we’re here to save our friend.”

“You may continue on your rescue mission.  Welcome,” the voice continued calmly as if Harry hadn’t just said someone was in peril within their walls.  Perhaps this wasn’t unusual…but Luna didn’t like to dwell on that possibility.

Suddenly, the floor began to move downwards like an elevator, except it sank through the bottom of the telephone booth and out of the London air.  They shuttered to a stop and Ron opened the door.

They were finally in the Ministry.

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