Chapter 15

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Soooo sorry for the long wait but exams and midterm deadlines have killed me. But here it finally is! I hope you enjoy it :)

My question of this chapter is: where did you celebrate New Year's Eve? I know it's like 5 months later but oh well :))

Enjoy and make sure to leave comments throughout the chapter!



" and Niall?"

"What about me and Niall?"

"You together or?"

"Oh no. We're just...friends who like to kiss."

"And fuck."

"We haven't done that yet so."


I shrugged and our conversation was cut short when the fireworks finally started shooting up in the sky, one by one.

"This is amazing." I said while a few boys came out with bottles of champagne and trays of glasses.

I took a glass and a few seconds passed before Niall raised his glass.

"To the best year yet. Happy 2015!"

"Cheers!" everyone said at once as we clinked glasses.

As I drank, I caught Niall's eye and he winked. I got a weird feeling in my stomach and winked back.

This is definitely going to be an interesting 2015.


After the fireworks everyone decides to go back inside because it's really cold and we have a lot of drinks left.

Niall seems to have forgotten about his promise of going back up to his room, but I don't really mind...per se. I want and actually owe Jake to get drunk with him, so I start looking for him. I eventually find him in the kitchen, talking to Harry with a drink in his hand.

"Renee!" he exclaims, raising his cup at me.

"Jakeee." I trail off and walk over to the counter to pour myself a drink. "I promised you we'd get drunk tonight, so let's do it."

"Harold, you're free to join us." Jake tells him and Harry nods, obviously in.

Jake offers to do the honors and places three shot glasses on the island counter that he fills with tequila to the brim.

"To a New Year and new beginnings!" Jake says and the three of us down it.

The alcohol burns my tongue and my throat, but I put my glass down anyway to do another one.

"Another one?" Harry asks and Jake nods, filling the glasses.

"Three, two, one." I count and there goes another. I'm already feeling a bit tipsy but one more shot won't hurt. And besides, three is a lucky number.

"Let's do one more. So there won't be a pair number. That's for dead people." Harry justifies, as if having read my mind.

"Alright, fair enough." Jake agrees and fills the glasses once again.

This time, Harry counts down and the three of us drink together.

"One more?" I ask, although everything is already spinning and I feel a bit ill.

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