Chapter 3

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Wow thank you for over 1,6k comments on the last chapter :D They make my day !

This chaper goes to @restinstyles, who commented a lot on the previous chapter; thank you :)

The song in the video on the side was sent to me on Tumblr a long time ago but I just listened to it and it's fits this story (and also Teenage Dirtbag) perfectly ! It's called Noserings and Shoestrungs by Nina Nesbitt.

I was on holiday in Spain-Barcelona last week and it was absolutely amazing !!! Where did you go on holiday this summer? :)

Please keep commenting and voting to let me know what you think ! Also, read the end notes and enjoy !


Rey's POV

"I'm going to the party too." I announced to my mom as soon as she entered the door at half past five.

"Good for you." She answered and let her keys fall in the small bowl by the door. "Your father can take you."

"That won't be necessary, Jake will pick me up."

"Jake? Is there something going on here?"

"Mom. He is literally gay."


I rolled my eyes and turned around, running up the stairs to start the preparations for the party. I showered and went to the closet to pick out the clothes.

As much as I wished to wear a skirt or a crop top I couldn't because I didn't want people to see me dressed in that and think that I was too fat to wear those.

I picked out a black low-cut tank top that showed some cleavage, black skinny jeans and black studded Vans. And yes, black was my favorite color. After that I walked over to the bathroom so I could put make up on.

It was five to eight when Jake sent me a text. I was in the process of fighting with my cat, who wouldn't let go of the sleeve of my black jacket.

Jake: bitch we just left my house be ready in like NOW!!!!!

Rey: take a chill pill

I stuffed my phone in the pocket of my jacket and after I checked myself in the mirror one last time, I rushed downstairs.

"I'm leaving now! I don't know when I'll be back!"

"Come back with Katherine!"

"OKAY! BYE!" I yelled and slammed the front door behind myself. It appeared that Katherine and my dad had already left. Thank God.

Zayn's BMW pulled up in front of my house two minutes later, and I quickly climbed in the back.

"You can sit on my lap." Harry offered and I shook my head.

How could I politely tell him that I didn't want to break his thighs?

"It's fine, I'll just hold Sophia."

Sophia smiled and lifted her ass up so I could slide under her. Perrie was in the passenger seat talking to Zayn and Jake kept interrupting them with his own irrelevant opinion.

"So what did you guys get Niall?" I asked. "I'm going to give him money."

"Everyone's giving him money even though he has already. It's difficult to buy a present for someone who has everything already." Zayn said and that was the first time we ever had a proper conversation.

"His parents got him a Bentley, didn't they?" Perrie asked and Zayn nodded.

"I thought he already had a car?" I said confused.

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