Chapter 23

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Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you like this chapter :)

The question of this chapter is: if you could have anyone in the world as your best friend, who would it be? (besides your current best friend of course)

Don't forget to leave comments throughout the story x

Don't forget to answer the questions at the end !

Happy reading :)


Previously on Chapter 22:

"I can't believe you got me a car!" I say into his neck. "Thank you! But I can't accept it."

"Yeah you can." He says, stroking my back and kissing my cheek. "I'll get mad if you don't."

"If you insist." I smile, and he puts me down.

I look at the new car, and run my palm alongside of it. "How did you manage to buy it in a day?"

"I bought it last week with one of the credit cards I never use. You mentioned the car a month or so ago, but I just wanted to make sure yesterday that I got it right. Imagine if I didn't."

"I just-it's so overwhelming. You shouldn't have done this, really."

"You deserve it. Here."

I take the keys from him, then smirk when I meet his eyes.

"So how about I take it for a ride, and then you take me for one?"

To answer my question, Niall pins me against the car and kisses me with force.


I drive around for a little while with Niall in the passenger's seat, and then I drive him to his house.

"Finally, you get to drop me off at my own house, and not the other way around."

"Yeah, well don't get used to it because gas is expensive." I laugh as he leans over to give me a kiss on the lips.

"I know I know, I'm a gentleman and all that."

"Yeah you are." I smile and wait for him to get out, before I start driving back towards my house.

When I get inside, it doesn't take longer than a few seconds for my mother to ask me if I got my license.

"Yeah, I did." I proudly say.

"Can I see it?"

She doesn't ask because she doesn't believe me. She asks, because for the first time in all my eighteen years, she's finally proud of me.

"It's in the car."

"What car?"

"Oh...uhm. Niall bought me a car." "He bought you a car?" she exclaims, standing up from the kitchen table, shutting her laptop.

I nod. "Is that bad?"

"No it isn't! Are you pregnant or something?" she jokingly asks as she follows me out the door to go outside and look at the car. My heart drops out of my chest for a second. She stops when she sees it parked right behind hers.

"Oh! It's gorgeous! How did he have money to pay for it?"

I shrug. "He's rich."

"Keep him then." She jokes and I force a smile. "No, honestly. It's nice and all, but you have to tell him that we'll pay him back for it. Your father was going to wait until graduation to buy you this exact model. We looked at it yesterday."

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