Chapter 18

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Sorry for the wait, but I hope you like this chapter ;) *winky face*

Sooo Rey turns 18 in this one, and coincidentally I turn 21 today! I'm finally going to be legal in my own country!

The question of this chapter is: when is your birthday? :)

Happy reading, don't forget to leave comments x


Previously in Chapter 17:

Niall: _|_

Rey: _|_

I pocket my phone before I stare at the clock on the wall. We still have an hour and a half to wait, and I already want everything to be over so we can go to England.

"Why are you so sad?" Jake asks and comes to sit down in Eleanor's now vacant place.

"Niall and her are fighting." Sophia answers for me, not looking up from her book.

"Oh, fuck him!"

"She doesn't want to anymore." Sophia answers again.

"Seriously?" I tell her.

Jake rolls his eyes and places his hand on my thigh as he crossed his legs. He evilly smiles at me as he speaks:

"Cheer up bitch, we're going to Paris."


We arrive in Paris at twelve pm, but this time the exchange students are waiting for us at the arrivals in the airport with nice banners and bright smiles.

The airport is bigger than in Poland, and everything is definitely much fancier, but I still miss Nins and all the other people there, even though we only stayed three days.

I find Leigh-Anne sitting together with Perrie's exchange student, Jessica. They're linked by the arm which probably means that they're best friends.

"You must be Rey! Je m'appelle Leigh-Anne. This is Jesy."

Introductions follow between the six of us, and Kylie is actually trying to make an effort to be nice. Which is...nice.

I can definitely see that she's changed since her and Sean broke up. The breakup must've been one of the best decisions of her life. I make a mental note to congratulate her for that because I don't think I have.

The ritual is the same as it was in Poland; they drive us to their school where they give us a tour, and after lunch we all go to our exchange students' houses.

There is a welcome party going on later tonight at Aaron's house; Niall's exchange student. I've seen him at school a bit earlier and he's really fit. I mean, who doesn't like a guy with tattoos and a nose piercing? Let's be honest.

I don't ask Leigh-Anne about Aaron, because I don't want anyone to hear about my little, temporary crush. I should probably ask Louis. I trust him.

So after I dress up for the evening with a black dress and matching pumps, I sit down on my bed and pull out my phone to text Louis on WhatsApp. Unfortunately, Leigh-Anne's WiFi is pretty shit, so I can't send the message out, which means that I'll have to wait until the welcome party to talk to him and observe Aaron a little more.

While Eleanor gets Leigh-Anne's makeup done, I walk back into the bathroom to check myself out in the body-length mirror.

As I look at myself, I realize that I've got a bit of a stomach straining against the dress, and immediately begin to panic. I've tried to make myself believe that I had recovered from the eating disorder on my own, but there was always that voice in the back of my mind counting all the calories and regretting every single time I didn't throw up after I ate.

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