Chapter 25

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I can't believe that this is the last chapter of the trilogy I started three years ago. I'm way too emotional right now, so the author's note will be at the end, as well as a few other announcements, so make sure to read it :)

Don't forget to comment throughout the chapter so I know what you think about it ! x

I hope you like it :)


Previously on Chapter 24:

Now that I look at everyone, it's becoming clear how much things have changed over the course of eight months.

Eight months ago, Harry and Louis were secretly...something, and now they're both in happy relationships yet they're still very good friends.

Eight months ago, Zayn had no idea what to do with his life, and now he just got accepted at one of the best art schools in the country.

Eight months ago, Katherine was in love with Perrie...and now...well.

Eight months ago, Jake was the type of guy who wouldn't take things further than a one-night stand, and now he's in love with Harry.

Eight months ago, Liam and Sophia absolutely hated each other's guts, and now they're dating and going to be attending the same University.

Eight months ago, Niall and I barely even knew each other, and now it's like we're best friends.

But most importantly, eight months ago, my self-esteem was as low as it could get, and I thought things weren't going to get better.

And right now I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life.


"Can I come in?" Niall's voice is heard from outside our tent the second day of the festival.

I groan and roll over, rubbing my eyes. "I don't like being woken up from my naps. What is it?"

"Are you decent?" he asks and I snort, stepping over Jake to unzip the tent for him as a way to invite him in.

"Yeah, like you've never seen me naked."


Niall smirks as he steps into the tent and manages to squish himself between Jake and I. We're the only ones in the camping zone, since everyone insisted on going to see some indie band I didn't have the energy to watch. It's two in the afternoon now, but I know that I won't be able to function unless I get at least four more hours of sleep. Niall apparently gave up on the idea to see the band.

"So what's up?" I ask and wait for him to lay down and open his right arm so I can cuddle up into him. When he does, I shuffle back down and place my face on his chest.

"Um, people I trying to get some sleep here. So if you'd keep it would be dandy." Jake sleepily says and struggles to turn on the other side.

I roll my eyes before I motion for Niall to continue.

"Okay so I have some good news for you." He starts, and looks at me with a cute smile.

"What surprise? Oh God."

"I know the person who organized the festival, and I heart that there might be a surprise guest tomorrow night to close the festival."

"Who is it?" I excitedly ask.

"Okay but promise you won't scream?"

"She better not." Jake mumbles.

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