Chapter 4

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Hiii guys and sorry for the wait but here is chapter four :D Thank you for the comments on the last chapter :3 But it was on private for stupid reasons so probably not all of you could read it. If you can't see Chapter 3 here is what you have to do: follow me, log out, and then back in and wait. Should be fine :)

Anyway, I'm in year 2 at Uni this year (sophomore) :D What grade are you guys in this year?

Oh and I have a date tomorrow with a cute guy named Luke (Lucas actually but no one calls him that) and I'm very happy (:

Hope you enjoy and updates will be on weekends but I updated today because I finished the chapter early :)


School finished quickly that day and I was still nervous about going to Niall's house, even though literally all I had to do was to get my jacket and maybe work on our project a little bit.

I was just overreacting as usual.

So as soon as the final bell rang to announce the end of the day instead of being happy about it, I had sweaty palms.

I needed to find someone to offer to drive me there, and Niall was completely out of the question because he came to school on his motorcycle.

He has a motorcycle

Jesus Christ

"Hey can you maybe drive me over to Niall's today?" I asked Jake when I found him in the hallway talking to Sophia and Max.

"Oh sorry bae but I promised Max I'd give him a ride home and then I'm on babysitting duty for my annoying sister."

"Oh okay sure. No problem. Thanks anyway." I answered and shot him a look that was supposed to be an innuendo. He caught it and nodded, before mouthing 'later'.

At least one of us was having sex.

I did not just think of that

Oh my God

I spotted Harry in the parking lot, leaning against his black Audio, arms crossed as he talked to Louis. They seemed to be having a pretty secretive conversation because as soon as I neared them they stopped talking completely.

"Hi." I said to no one in particular.


Harry was the only one to greet me; Louis just looked me up and down without saying a word. I felt so bad and shitty that he seemed to dislike me because I hated it when people didn't like it. On one hand, I wanted to be liked, but on the other I agreed with them because there wasn't really anything to like about me.

"I was um, kind of wondering if you could maybe give me a ride after school?"

"Yeah Harold, could you give her a ride after school?" Louis asked in a sarcastic tone.

Why are you so rude to me

What did I do to you

Harry blushed and looked away from him.

"I'd love to. But Louis' coming with us too because I have to drop him off at work."

"Oh, where do you work?"

"In a record store outside the mall."

"I know that one."

"Yeah. Pay is okay although they need to find someone else to look after the cash register because I'm tired of having to work the aisles too."

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