Chapter 9

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Thank you so much for almost 400 comments on the last chapter and sorry for the delay :)

I was wondering which is your favorite horror movie, since Halloween is coming up? Mine is Friday the 13th.

Also, I would love it if we could beat last chapter's comments :D They honestly make my day and motivate me to write more :) Love reading them throughout the chapter


"You in a skirt?" Jake exclaimed on that Friday morning, a week later, as soon as I entered psychology.

I blushed when I saw a few heads turn in my direction, and Niall shamelessly looking me up and down.

"Shut up." I mumbled and sat down next to him, placing my notebooks on the desk. "Luke likes them."

"You don't need to dress up for a guy. Dress up for yourself." Sophia said and I turned my head to look at her.

"It's not necessary to dress up for a guy, but if I want to I can."

She smiled and mocked applause, just as the teacher came in.

"Settle down everyone. I know it's first period." She sighed and sat down at her desk, pulling out the attendance sheet and starting to call out names.

When she got to Luke's name, no one answered and that's when I noticed that he wasn't there.

I quickly texted him under the desk to make sure he was okay.

Rey: are you okay? Where are you? :)

Luke (heart emoji): im home. Sick :((((

Rey: aww get better x

Luke (heart emoji): of course (heart emoji) I think im coming to the game tho

Rey: (thumbs up emoji)

Once the teacher was done calling attendance she sat up from the desk and turned around to write on the blackboard.

When she was done writing, she turned back to look at us with a smile.

"Today's topic is love. Or identifying love."

I looked behind her to see that she wrote 'THEORIES OF LOVE'.

"How do we usually tell when someone is in love?"

A few hands shot up in the air, and Ms. Lowe pointed at Perrie so she could answer.

"We can tell by their actions, words and reactions."

"Very good Perrie. Can anyone give me examples of actions that can determine whether a person is in love? How can you tell based only on their gestures and the way they behave?"

"I saw on a show that usually if two people are interested in each other their shoes will always point at each other." Sophia said and Ms. Lowe nodded, writing that on the blackboard, which we also had to copy onto our notebooks.

"Anyone else?"

"Love is when someone else's happiness is your happiness." Jake said and I smiled, shaking my head because he was quoting Lana Del Rey.

"That is actually very true." Ms. Lowe said and quickly wrote it on the blackboard. "Studies show that when we're in a room full of people and someone says something funny, the first person we look at to see if they're laughing is the person we love the most in the room."

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