Chapter 21

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Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you like this chapter :)

The question of this chapter is: do you think Rey gets pregnant or it's just a scare?

Don't forget to leave comments throughout the story x

Also, I'm sorry for how it ends and don't forget to answer the questions at the end ! 

Happy reading :)


Previously on Chapter 20:

"Today, on March 1st..." Mr. James starts but I completely zone out.

"What?" I ask out loud.

"I said, today on March 1st." Mr. James repeats, clearly annoyed that he just had to repeat himself. As he goes on, I start to panic and gather my stuff.

"Everything alright?" Sophia whispers to me.

I shake my head and lean over so I can tell her without anyone hearing.

"I just missed my period."

She's confused for a second but then suddenly her eyes go wide in realization.

Well, I'm fucked.


I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror for God knows how long; until the door opens and Sophia barges in with a worried look on her face.

"What's going on Rey?"

Her tone is a mix between anger and worry, so I sigh and turn my head to look at her properly.

"I just-nothing."

She gives me her 'really bitch, really?' look and puts a hand on her hip. "Tell me. Now."

"I missed my period this month."

Sophia frowns, coming closer.

"When was it supposed to start?"

"Like a week ago? And I missed it. I've never missed it before."

"Maybe because you don't eat enough."

Shit, she might be right.

"You think?"

"Yes." She answers, impatiently. "But the safest way to find out is by going to a doctor."

I shake my head immediately. "No. No way. I don't want my parents finding out."

"They won't. Liam's older sister is a doctor and she can run a test to see why you missed your period."

"Maybe it's just late-"

"We'll go next week if nothing changes, okay?"

I nod. "Thank you."

"Of course. Always." She says smiling, and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Also, don't tell anyone okay? Not even Liam."

"I won't. I promise."


When I get home that day, both my parents are home way too early, which seems a bit suspicious.

"What's going on? Hi." I say as I enter the kitchen. They're both at the kitchen table sipping tea and talking, so something is definitely not right.

"Do you know what today is?" my mother asks, looking up at me.


"No. Today is the day your grandparents celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary."

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