Chapter 20

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Sorry for the wait, but Uni started last week and I was in over my head! Hope you enjoy this chapter though :)

The question of this chapter is: which was the favorite concert you've ever been to? Mine was OTRA in Buffalo :)

Happy reading ;), don't forget to leave comments x


Previously on Chapter 19:

"Don't look but Luke is coming over." Louis asks and all of us turn our heads at the same time.

"I said don't look!"

Luke walks over quite determined and I am scared of what's to come.

He stops at our table next to me and I look at him curiously.

"So you didn't want to fuck me but you fucked Niall on your birthday?" He asks.

Judging by Niall's face, this won't end well.


I look up at Luke, and then back at Niall, who doesn't look happy at all.

"What the fuck did you just say?" he asks, standing up from his seat.

"I asked her how she could fuck you but couldn't fuck me."

"Well first of all, dick sizes differ." Louis says from his seat.

Luke doesn't pay attention to him.

"Apologize and go away." Niall says.

"I'm not going to apologize for stating a fact. She's a slut-"

Luke doesn't even get to finish his sentence because Niall's fist is in his face. Someone yells and there are whispers of 'oh shit' coming from other tables.

"You're fucking pathetic Horan." Luke smiles as his nose bleeds. "Did you really fuck everyone here except of her and decided to try her out too?"

"I swear to God Luke if you don't shut up-" Niall starts.

"You'll what? Punch me? Oh, I'm so scared, my knickers are wet."

Niall doesn't waste any more time before he steps forward to punch him in the face.

Luke loses balance but doesn't fall on his ass like I expect him to; instead he clutches his cheek and looks at Niall like he could murder him.

"Did you just fucking punch me?"

"I just fucking did." Niall states, and then Luke lunges for him, slapping him before getting a punch in.

Niall isn't phased by it; instead he tackles Luke to the ground and proceeds to punch him over and over until his nose is surely broken and there's blood oozing out of it.

"Horan! Black! What on earth are you doing?!" Mr. Flack yells as he comes to pull Niall off of Luke.

Niall looks like a crazed maniac, and tries to free himself out of Mr. Flack's grip, but to no success.

Mr. Grey comes to Luke's rescue a few seconds later by pulling him off the floor. He turns his head to look at Mr. James, who is quickly approaching our table.

"What on lord's name is going on? Are y'all crazy? Starting a fight in the middle of the day? Can't y'all take it outside at least?" he screams, gesticulating. "Black, get your ass to the nurse. And I want to hear the whole story! Who started it?"

He directs the question at our table. No one responds.

"Alright then, everyone at this table, including these two idiots is going to spend the rest of the week in detention!"

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