Chapter 11

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Sorry for the long wait but I had two busy weeks :) Hope all is good!

Also, this story reached 100k views and almost 10k comments wow!! Thank you so much :D

Christmas is coming I can't believe it's already December ! What do you guys want this year for Christmas? :)

Happy reading and don't forget to leave comments throughout the chapter I really like this one :)


"You're in love with Harry?" I asked to double check if I'd heard correctly.

"Yeah. I mean-I don't know. It's so confusing. He's so confusing."

"But this is the first time you ever did something with him-"

"No it isn't. He called me to his house two weeks ago and we hooked up after we got high. And I know that he has something going on with Louis, I'm not that stupid."

"But I don't understand how...and why? You never really showed any interest in him."

"It just kind of happened, I don't know."

I bit my lip.

"So are you going to tell him?"

"What? Are you crazy? Of course not!" he exclaimed. "Just don't tell anyone, I'm freaking out as it is."

"Okay. I won't tell anyone I promise."

"Thanks babe." He said and pulled me into a hug, kissing my temple.


We were back in Manchester the next day at noon, and neither Niall nor I mentioned what happened between us that night after we went sleighing. And it was better that way to be honest.

One week later everyone began making preparations for the winter formal, which I didn't really want to take part in, but I had to because Luke bought us tickets and my mother forced me out of the house to go and find a proper dress.

"How about this one?" she asked, handing me a blue dress with a generous cleavage.

"Um? Isn't it a bit revealing?"

"That's the point!" she exclaimed.

"Why can't you be like the other mums."

She rolled her eyes and looked at the size, before shaking her head.

"You need a size ten, not an eight."

"Actually, I need eight."

"Since when?" she asked, looking me up and down. "Have you lost weight?"

"Maybe." I mumbled and she handed me two other dresses that were really expensive.

I knew she was excited that I finally had someone to go to a dance with, and that's why she spent over one hundred quid on a black lacy dress and a pair of black pumps.

"Mum you're crazy." I told her when she announced that she made an appointment for me at the hairdresser's. "It's like this is your winter formal, not mine."

"I'm just happy that you finally have a date to one of these things! And then we can make photos and he can give you your corsage-"

"Mum. We're not in American movies, chill." I told her a few days later, ten minutes before Luke was supposed to get there.

She looked at me through the mirror, smiling as she took in the way I looked. It was the first time ever that she did that, actually complimenting my looks. It should be in the record books.

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