Chapter 16

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Sorry for the long wait but this chapter is almost 6000 words long! Also, I really like it so let me know what you think of it :)

My question of this chapter is: where would you like to go visit? I'd personally love to go Europe and visit everything :D

Also, another quick question: if i made Baby I'm A Sinner into a paperback book like TDB and TOTGA, would you be interested in buying it?

Enjoy and make sure to leave comments throughout the chapter!


Previously on chapter 15:

"I almost didn't wake up this morning, I fell asleep in algebra today." Zayn tells us as he takes a drag out of his cigarette.

"Same here. I don't even know why I'm at school today." Niall agrees and lights up my cigarette.

We're in the middle of an important talk about spring break when Jake comes rushing to us, out of breath.

"What happened?"

"Liam's beating up Mr. Grey for assaulting Sophia!"


We all drop our cigarettes and run after Jake back into the school. We take the first corner of the hallway where we see a big crowd yelling and screaming.

Niall elbows his way through the people to get closer to see what is going on, and I follow close by.

When I finally get in the middle of the fight, I can see Liam straddling Mr. Grey and punching his face in so hard that he is already bleeding.

It doesn't last long though, because Principal Brooks starts yelling and swearing as he gets in the middle of the circle where Liam and Mr. Grey are located. He pulls Liam off and another teacher helps Mr. Grey up.

"Mr. Payne! What in the world is this nonsense?" he yells at Liam, who still has a look on his face that could kill.

"He fucking made a move on my girlfriend!"


"Sophia! Sophia Smith! I saw them through the door in his class, he tried to kiss her!" Liam yells back, still not able to calm down.

"This type of behavior isn't tolerated by either of you." Mr. Brooks says and looks at Mr. Grey, who is now clutching his bloody nose. "I will see you in my office Mr. Grey. As for you Mr. Payne, see me after classes are over. Now everyone, go back to class! It's five minutes 'till the next period starts!"

People start to scramble away with hushed whispers, and Niall goes over to Liam to calm him down.

"You okay bro?" he asks Liam, who finally turns his gaze away from Mr. Grey to look at Niall.

"That fucking pedophile. Yeah, 'm fine. He didn't get to hit me."

"Where is Sophia?" I ask him after I looked around and couldn't find her.

"She's in the bathroom with Eleanor."

I immediately leave them there and walk up to the nearest bathroom, to find Sophia fixing her wet makeup.

"Were you crying?"

She nods as she turns her face to me. Eleanor shakes her head and crosses her arms over her chest.

"What did he do to you?"

"He tried to kiss me again."

"Again?" Eleanor and I both ask at the same time, surprised and angry at the same time.

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