Chapter 2

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Thank you so much for over 1k comments on the last chapter! WOW! I love you guys and I apologise for the chapter not being updated yesterday but I had a really bad stomach ache so I couldn't write anything. Updates will be however still on Tuesday at 3pm UK time :)

As for the personal fact about me (that no one wanted to know) is that my favorite subject in school used to be English. What is yours? :D

Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to comment throughout it and vote so I know you want me to continue this !  I will dedicate the each chapter from now on to someone who commented a lot through the previous chapter :) Last chapter is dedicated to @niallsicetea for comment on literally everything ! I love your comments, don't worry :))

Please don't forget to ALWAYS read the end notes !

This chapter is dedicated to @maliksstripper whose birthday is today ! Happy birthday !


Rey's POV

I met up with Harry after last period by the cafeteria so we could walk together to the meeting for the school magazine. I was a bit nervous because I'd never been a part of any club before, due to the fact that I had severe anxiety whenever I had to socialize with people that I didn't know.

"Do you know Zayn?" Harry asked as we walked together.

"Um, you could say that. I mean, I'm not like, good friends with him, but we get along."

"So you think he'll let us in the club?"


The club was on the second floor, right next to the library. Harry knocked on the door and opened it. I followed him inside, to see a blonde girl with glasses sitting at one of the desks with a Ben & Jerry's tub in her hand. There was another blonde boy laughing at something Perrie was saying. I didn't know she was in the club too.

The three of them looked up at me and I awkwardly smiled, turning my head to look at Harry, urging him to say something; anything.

"Uh, hi? We'd like to um-join the club? If that's possible."

Perrie smiled and the blonde girl stood up.

"I'm Amy." She came over to us and shook our hands as we introduced ourselves.

"That over there is Max and that is Perrie. Zayn's the chief editor but he's got football try outs."

After they explained how everything worked, Harry decided that he could do the photographs with Amy and I was assigned to make the weekly interviews. Which, by the way, completely freaked me out because that meant I had to socialize with people who meant something to this school.

"Does anyone read the magazine anyway?" Harry asked when we were about to leave.

"Of course. It's not like those cliché movies where people don't read the magazine." Amy laughed. "Don't you guys want to hang out here for a bit?"

"Um, I actually promised a friend of ours we'd go and see him trying out for the football team. Tomorrow though." I answered and Amy nodded.

Harry and I left the room with smiles on our faces.

"You're coming with me to watch the tryouts right?" I asked and he nodded, smiling and showing off his dimples. We walked to the pitch while talking about the new teachers and I decided that I really liked Harry as a friend because he was funny (in his own way).

His phone beeped at some point and he told me that he had something to take care of, but he'll meet me in the bleachers.

When I got to the football pitch I already spotted Sophia sitting in the first row, waving me over.

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