Chapter 19

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Sorry for the wait, but I posted the chapter yesterday and it was on private so I deleted it and decided to post it again today :) so let me know if you got a notification about it being updated?

The question of this chapter is: which is your favorite place you've ever been to? :)

Happy reading ;), don't forget to leave comments x


Previously on chapter 18:

"You want me to have sex with you?"

I nod, not looking at him.

"But-are you sure? Don't you want to-"

"Wait? No. I've been waiting for a long time, and now I want it. Unless you don't want it. Then it's alright-"

He interrupts me by pressing our lips together and gripping into the back of my thighs to hoist me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and cup his face as he walks back into the bedroom.

He grins.

"Then let me give you a happy birthday."


Niall sets me down on the bed gently, before he steps back so he can take a step back. He toes off his shoes and unbuckles his belt as he looks down at me.

"I want to undress you." I mutter, not even caring that I am half naked in front of him.

Niall smirks and kneels back on the bed, knee between my bent, spread legs.

"Go ahead." He says in a cocky voice that makes me melt. I still feel a bit dizzy, but it's a good type of dizzy. The kind that warms my belly and makes me more confident.

I trail my hand up his chest so I can pull off his shirt, and I can't help but get lost in the amazing smell of his expensive cologne. Boys are always a hundred times better looking when they smell good. It's science.

When his shirt comes off, his hair gets a bit disheveled and I instantly kiss him because he looks too good to be true. He complies in a blink, eager to get our tongues together again.

Niall eventually pulls off and moves one of his legs over my right knee so he can grind down on it as we resume kissing.

He tastes like cocktails, gum and cigarettes, and I absolutely love it. I love him. But I'm not about to tell him, because it didn't turn out so well just an hour ago.

My left hand clings to his back as my right one travels down his chest until it reaches the hem of his jeans, and I unbutton them before I slide down the zipper.

He feels big in my hand and I wonder how did I even end up doing this. I think back to the times when I literally used to randomly dream about having sex with him, and now here I am.

Niall grinds into my palm when I cup him, and I smile against his lips.

"Take your jeans off please."

"So polite, always." He laughs and stands up on the bed so he can pull his pants off. He leaves his boxers on though, probably because he thinks it's fun to tease me.

"You're next." He mumbles before leaning back towards me to kiss and lick the side of my neck.

I instantly moan, because if there is one thing I'm a sucker for, it's neck kisses. He moves back between my legs and presses our chests together before he gets back to work on my neck, driving me absolutely crazy.

"Niall." I warn, clasping my legs around him because it's too much.

"Hm?" he hums on my neck, and I can feel him smirking.

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