Chapter 22

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Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you like this chapter :)

The question of this chapter is: which is your dream car?

Don't forget to leave comments throughout the story x

Don't forget to answer the questions at the end !

Happy reading :)


Previously on Chapter 21:

Five minutes later, the waiting room is filled with our entire group, and also Kylie's group, and the atmosphere is really down, so almost no one notices when the doctor that was operating on Perrie came out of another corridor.

"So?" Zayn asks, standing up from his seat, where he was currently comforting Katherine.

"I'm sorry." He says, and Katherine is the first one to burst out in tears.

My heart is beating so fast, I don't even see Doctor Hagan coming towards me. She motions for me to come over so no one can overhear us.

"Renee Parker?" she asks.

I nod.

"Congratulations! You're one month pregnant." She tells me, smiling. My heart stops, and it's as if I can't hear anything but muffled cries and voices.

I turn my head to see if anyone has heard, and for a moment I'm relieve to see that no one pays any attention to me, but then I make eye contact with Niall who's a mere five meters away, staring right at me and Doctor Hagan.

And then, suddenly, because this day couldn't get any worse, I start crying.


My eyes are welling up and I'm hiccuping and don't even know what's going on around me anymore. I feel like everything is just too much and all at once, so of course my natural instinct is to cry.

I don't even register the fact that Niall is suddenly by my side, pulling me into him so I can bury my face in his chest. There's something about his amazing smell that calms me down until I eventually stop crying and just try to get a hold of my current state.

Katherine asks the doctor if we can see Perrie, and Kylie's group are eager to see their friend as well, but he tells us that we unfortunately can't since they already took them to the morgue.

My body feels weak and there's a weird, unfamiliar feeling building up in my chest since I haven't experienced the death of someone so close to me, ever.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Niall asks me an hour later, when we all exit the hospital to go back to our houses because no one feels like going out anymore.

"About what?"

He points to my stomach. "The fact that you're pregnant."

I suddenly feel nervous and scared, because I forgot all about that with everything that's been going on.


We sit down on a bench not far from the parking lot where he parked his car. It's a bit cold, but I can barely feel it. His eyes are rimmed red because he's been crying, and it's weird to see him like this, but at the same time it's comforting, for some odd reason.

"So how long have you known?"

"Well...that Monday I left class was actually because I realized my period was late."

"I knew it."

I ignore him to continue. "I told Soph and she said I should wait one more week to make sure, and if I still don't get my period then we would visit Liam's sister. But she wasn't available today yet we still came and it turns out that I'm actually pregnant."

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