Chapter 7

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Hello! So many nice comments on the last chapter :D I personally like this chapter because it's the longest one yet, with over 7,200 words so I'm really curious to see your reactions throughout the chapter.

Did Wattpad show you the update?

Also, for those who don't know, I'm officially dating Luke and I'm so happy about that :)

I was wondering how old were you guys when you had your first proper kiss? I was 13 ;)

Hope you like this chapter because I love it, and I spent much time writing it !


Two weeks later I realized that I'd lost two more kilograms, and now my clothes were a bit too big and loose for me to wear.

And since my dad denied my request for shopping money, I had to spend my first ever paycheck on clothes that were absolutely necessary. I didn't earn much (turned out it wasn't 12 pounds an hour; it was 5 because all I had to do was sit on a chair while Louis showed people around and consulted with them), so I only had about 300 quid to spend.

It was a Saturday so I slept in until noon, deciding to go shopping around five. I finished my homework the day before (because I had nothing better to do on Friday, and Luke was out of town until Sunday) so it was safe to say that I was bored out of my mind.

I dressed up with a white skirt, a white low-cut shirt and some white sneakers.


I knew I probably wouldn't run into anyone anyway, only Jake, who invited himself to go shopping with me. Apparently he needed new skinny jeans to wear to Mr. Flack's class.

He didn't seem to understand the fact that Mr. Flack was a teacher and was happily married.

He picked me up with his car at half past four, and by five we were already inside the mall, ready to go shopping.

"Why didn't Sophia come?" I asked him.

"I don't know. She said she had plans, but that probably means riding Liam's dick."

"What? Since when does she...hang out with Liam?"

"Since a month ago? Are you too involved with Luke that you don't even notice what's going on with your best friends?"

I frowned. "Um...okay. What do you even have against him? You and Niall seem to hate him for some reason? And before we got into a relationship you were totally okay with him?"

He sighed as we entered TopShop. Jake absolutely loved it, but in my opinion it was way too expensive.

"I didn't have a problem with him before because he's none of my business. He does things that no one would be proud of; I don't mind because that's his own problem. But now that he's dating you it has become my business, since you're my bae and you're going to get hurt."

"Why do you assume that? What has he done so bad that you hate him for being with me?"

"It's not my place to say and it's probably just a rumor anyway, maybe you should figure it out yourself."

"Fine." I said, rolling my eyes as we walked towards the women's clothing section.

Two hours later we found our way to the last store, which was H&M. I had fifteen quid left but I wouldn't go home, not even with a single penny left in my pocket. I either spent all my money shopping, or no money at all.

"My feet hurt." Jake complained when we stopped in front of the dresses.

"Oh sure, now they hurt, after you already bought what you wanted."

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