Chapter 8

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Hii sorry for the long wait but I've been really busy last week :) Also, thank you for the comments on the last chapter, over 600 ! Amazing !

I saw the Where We Are movie yesterday and it was great, did any of you see it? It was like a concert in the theatre because everyone was standing and singing, just perfect :)

I hope you like this chapter, and let me know your thoughts throughout the story :D

(Also, Chapter 7 was on private so I hope everyone read it? If you couldn't read it, you need to follow me, log out, and then back in. Then just wait for a bit :) Hope it helped)


The next week passed by kind of slowly, since we didn't have Niall in almost every class making jokes or just plain stupid remarks.

Another thing I noticed was that girls literally stopped trying to dress up so much, or maybe it was just my imagination.

It was Friday already, and all I wanted to do was get home and sleep until I couldn't anymore. It's weird how I used to hate afternoon naps as a child, but as a teenager they were like a Godsend.

All seniors were called in the gym for an assembly during third period; God knows what Principal Brooks wanted to tell us now. I was sitting between Jake and Luke when Mr. Brooks finally entered the gym, looking serious. He was followed by Mr. and Mrs. Flack, Mr. Grey, Coach Daniels, and Mr. James, who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else but right here.

Mr. Brooks clapped his hands together and yelled for everyone to shut up so he could start talking.

"As some of you know, there are to seniors trips every year and the first one is already close. We decided to take forty students on the trip to Scotland this year, since we have more chaperones. If any of you are interested to take part in it; we'll be leaving on Thursday morning from the school parking lot, and we'll be back on Sunday evening. It's fifty pounds per person, and that pays for everything. Sign ups are in the secretary's office. Any questions?"

Five people had questions about the hotel/chalet we'll be staying in, and about the rooming assignment, and fifteen minutes later we were allowed to return to our classes.


"Oh, and can Renee please stay for a bit after class? I need to talk to you." Mr. Grey said once the last period of the day was over, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes because WHY.

I waited for the whole classroom to clear before I stood up from my seat and walked to the desk with my books in hand.


"Oh, Renee, great. I have here Niall's assignment for the next class and the worksheets I handed out this week."

"And what should I do?"

I hope he's not implying I should go over to his house and drop them off

"You should give him those if you can. You two were partners before so I think it's okay?"


"Sure I'll do it, no problem."

I grabbed the sheets he offered me and he smiled as he dismissed me.

Jake and Sophia were waiting by my locker already, obviously confused as to why I was held back.

"He wants me to deliver these to Niall which I don't want to do but have to."

"Liam's going over there to sleep today you can ask him to drop them off for you." Sophia offered.

"And how do you even know his schedule?" Jake questioned, turning around to look at her.

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