God knows how much I missed you

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3 years later.

"Damn, winter is so beautiful" so yeon said while smiling and walking towards a flower shop.

She quickly got inside as she saw the snow fall was getting havy. She chuckled and dusted the snow off her shoulders.

She looked at the beautiful flowers everywhere, she noticed the bouquet of pink roses and smiled wildly. She purchesd them and quickly rushed out, she was happy because after two years finally her best friend is coming back. Hanseo was coming back.

She was mad at him for not contacting him but suddenly yesterday he texted her that he is coming back.

She was going to pick him up from the airport, that's why she brought bouquet of flowers to welcome him.

As she reached the airport she saw so many people around, she managed to stand in front.

After waiting for awhile she saw a guy walking out of the crowed, her eyes widened and jaw dropped, there's no way he is hanseo!?

He had he's hair slicked back and he was wearing a black turtle neck shirt with a leather jacket and black jeans, he's boots were black and expensive as heck. He was wearing a expensive wrist watch.

He was looking around until he's eyes stopped at her. He's eyes sparkled, he waited for years to see her again and when he finally saw her he's heart started racing. He smiled and quickly rushed towards her, she noticed two security guards were rushing after him with bags, ah they work for him.

Everyone was staring at him because he looked the hottest guy to ever exist.
As he reached near her she smiled but suddenly he grabbed her by her arm and pulled her into a hug. Her eyes widened, when did he become so bold. All girls were staring at them and some were taking pictures too. She was confused why.

"God knows how much I missed you"he said, she blinked in shock and confusion "Hanseo, did you become a movie star or something?" he laughed, she just noticed he's voice was a bit deep too like he changed so much "It's just now I'm a rich ceo" he smirked and moved back.

"Roses? For me, hmm?" she nodded and handed him, he grabbed the bouquet and sniffed the smell "I'm sure the smell wisn't this good until you touched it" she was shocked at he's flirty lines, he was the last guy she expected to be flirty and bold.

He looked at her up to down "You haven't changed much" he said as he looked back at her, he suddenly squished her cheeks "Now your cheeks look more cute!" she chuckled and slapped he's arm away. He smiled.

"And look at yourself! You changed so much and You worked out so much!?" she was actually shocked, he's body was much more built up like muscles and everything.

He worked out for her actually, he wanted to impress her with everything.

"But I'm still your hanseo who I was before" she looked up at him who was smiling at her adorably. She chuckled "True" he held her hands "I have so much to talk about with you, let's go" she nodded.

As they reached he's house he switched on the lights. He told the guards to keep the bags in he's hall and leave. They left quickly like they were scared of hanseo, the way he talks to them and than her really made her wonder why.

As she was about to sit on sofa he grabbed her by her elbow. "Let me just-" he than dusted the sofa "Here" she looked at him, he was so different now.

He was trying to find a way to touch her respectfully, he liked being near her, her touch makes him feel comfort. He has decided to make her he's now since he is all changed and he has everything.

"By the way, have you heard about hanseok? That psychopath got away from police a long time ago! I just hope he rots in hell" he said while gritting he's teeth but he noticed she looked a bit nervous. He thought she was scared.

He quickly rushed towards her and kneeled infrot of her while grabbing her hands in he's.

"No need to be scared sunshine, I'll protect you" he said while smiling softly. He wisn't lying, he'll do anything to keep her safe and by her side.

She clenched her both hands making hanseo confused "Hanseo, i-i'm" she was scared. He'll break he's friendship with her as soon as she says the truth that she is dating hanseok.

"Mmm? Tell me" he cupped her face with he's one hand. She bit her lower lip in stress and clinched her eyes closed "I'm dating" suddenly hanseo let go of her hand, he looked at her who had her eyes clenched.

He kept saying no in he's head, he wanted her to say it's a lie, worst is that he knows who it might be but he kept saying she won't betray him right? That psychopath betrayed her, abused him, made their life a hell yet this.
He was hoping she'll say it's some random other guy.

"I'm dating, h-hanseok" she said making hanseo's heart break. He's hands started to shake. She opened her eyes and saw he's expressions, he looked shocked, dissapointed and angry.

She lifted her hand to hold he's arm but he suddenly stood up, she stood up and was about to follow him but he stormed towards the bedroom and slammed it close behind, she rushed towards the close door and stated banging on the door.

"Hanseo! I can explain just let-" before she could finish he said "Leave" he's voice was cold "B-"


OK so!

A fun fact this is more of
gonna be a yandere kinda story,
If you feel uncomfortable than feel
Free to stop reading but the thing is
You won't even feel uncomfortable
because...I DON'T WRITE SMUT-💀

not yet- anyways!
There's gonna be good
murder killing etc so be prepared ✨

*no one*

Me: writing yandere kinda
story on new year ●_●
I'll write a cute one too tho-

Sorry for blabbering so much 😭
Thank you for reading my blabbering! Love y'all! And enjoy reading, vote and let me know if you like the first chapter of this book ~_~

Saw your heart 2 // Vincenzo, Jang Hanseo, Jang Hanseok Where stories live. Discover now