Maybe passion

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Cha young and so yeon were talking about everything, cha young was blabbering about her trip in Paris and everything but she could feel vincenzo's piercing glaze on her.

"Cha young, don't you have to go home and do some work you were talking about?" she looked at vincenzo "Ah Yes! How can I forget" she stood up, she had alot of pending work to do so she said her goodbyes to them and left.

It was only two of them. Vincenzo leaned back "I know what you're hiding so yeon" he looked at her in confusion "What?"

He tilted "You wanna play dumb huh?" she rolled her eyes "If you say 'I know what you're hiding' out of blue how I'll know?" he nodded "Alright than, how is hanseok?" she froze "So guess you know where he is too?" she sighed "Of course, you're a mafia so you know what's going on really well so what's the point of asking?" he stood up and made he's way towards her, she narrowed her eyes. He stood infrot of her and placed he's index finger under her chin, he made her look up and him

"Than be carefull, I might actually kill him this time" she looked at him with a glare "And why will you? He has changed and we're dating" he grabbed her chin "He has changed or he changed you? Don't you understand he is manipulating you a-" before he could finish she moved he's hand away and stood up, he was taller than "Look mr cassano, I don't know who fed you all the lies but I know my hanseok very well" he clenched he's teeth
" 'My hanseok' huh?" she was so annoyed with him.

"Why the heck do you care!? I love him and he loves me! Wait, wait are you jealous?" she asked while narrowing he's eyes "Like I care, I just want monsters like him dead" she scoffed! "There you go, playing your good hero card, didn't you kill people too?" vincenzo grabbed her arm.

"Don't you compare me with that psychopath, I can be better than him in many ways" she jerked her arm away from he's grip "Than be better but in my opinion he is a lot better than you" he groaned and stromed towards the door.

Next day.

She was walking downstairs from office because of some work when suddenly she saw someone standing in front facing he's back. She looked at the guy's back and suddenly it hit him "Hanseok!?" he turned around while smiling and looking at her, she quickly wrapped he's arms around he's neck "Oh god! I missed you so much!" he lightly chuckled "So did I babe" he hugged her back while wrapping he's hands around her waist.

Hanseo was watching them from far. He clenched he's fist and glared at them "You look so happy without me and I have to admit, I hate it" he walked away.

She was smiling at jang hanseok when he grabbed her hand "Wanna go to a date tonight?" she shook her head "Nope, I'll cook for you!" he flinched "last time you nearly burned the house while cooking-" she slapped he's arm "Ya! I can cook now" he chuckled.

As they were walking she got a call, it was cha young, hanseok peeked and stood back, she picked up.

"Hey, what's up?" she asked while smiling "So yeon, oliver has some important files so can you go visit him? Just take it and give it to me as soon as possible!" so yeon pouted, she wanted to spend time with hanseok and here she goes giving her work.

She looked at hanseok who was happy about spending time with her "Hanseok, I really need to go but I'll meet you in few hours!" he pouted and grabbed her arm "Till than what I'll do?" she chuckled and gave him a peck on he's cheek "Till than go and maybe rest? You've worked alot" he nodded with a cute smile.

She rushed away as he watched her leave, he's smile quickly replaced with a frown "People love disturbing us, don't they?" he mumbled under he's breath "You're right about that" he heard a familiar voice from behind, he turned around and clenched he's fist, not this italian mafia.

"You don't learn from your past mistakes, do you? Stay away from her" vincenzo said while walking towards him "I didn't knew she appointed you as her bodyguard?" vincenzo rolled he's eyes "I don't like joking around" hanseok laughed "Says the living joke itself?" vincenzo clenched he's teeth "I wouldn't think twice before putting all the bullets straight in your heart" hanseok shrugged he's shoulders "I know that but do you really think it'll scare me?"

"It should" hanseok smiled and walked forward "Look vincenzo, you got cha young so why not just give up on so yeon? And aboyt so yeon, she is in love with me and so am I" vincenzo grabbed he's collar.

"She is just blind to see how psychotic you're, I know you're just manipulating her so she'll always be by your side, it's not love hanseok, it's obsssesion." hanseok shook he's head "I might be obsessed with her but it's because I love her and nope, I can't manipulate her because you know she is too smart to fall in my traps" he than laughed, vincenzo wanted to kill him but he couldn't, he knew she'll never forgive him.

Hanseok wanted to rule the babel but if so yeon wisn't on her side than she'll be agginest him, at first he wanted to make sure she doesn't become a speed breaker between he's work but now, he actually loves for her and even cares for her but he still isn't sure about who he'll choose if he Only had two options.

So yeon or he's passion.

"Maybe passion" he said making vincenzo confused "What passion?" hanseok smirked "Nothing, if you excuse me I have more important things to do"

Saw your heart 2 // Vincenzo, Jang Hanseo, Jang Hanseok Where stories live. Discover now