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"Don't move" he said while holding me by my shoulders from behind.

Third person's pov.

He softly moved her ponytail forward, he touched her skin with he's long fingers, she flinched at he's touch "H-han-" suddenly she felt something near her neck, she looked down and saw a necklace, she gasped, it was the same necklace she wanted to buy.

He than tied the necklace in her neck from behind, as he was done he turned her around by placing he's hands on her waist. She looked at him in shock "You like it?" he asked.

she looked at him than down at her necklace "I-i do but I can't take it hanseo" she was about to take it off but he grabbed her hands and pulled them down, he grabbed her both hands with he's one hand and another one cupped her side of the face "Come on, can't a boyfriend give he's girlfriend a gift?" she flinched back "What!?" she snapped.

He clicked he's tongue while covering he's ears "I'm your guy friend and you're my girl, Friend you know?" she took a deep breath "You scare me sometimes hanseo" he smiled "I haven't even scared you yet, not like I want to but anyways, I really wanted to gift you this"

She touched the necklace with her fingers than looked at him "Thanks hanseo" he smiled "Just thanks?" she thought for a second than smiled with squished eyes. She stood on her tip toes and placed her one hand on he's shoulder.

For a second he thought she'll kiss him but he was wrong as heck, she ruffled he's hair "Thank you sooooo much!" he sighed and smiled at her "Good night" he said while tapping he's index finger on her cheeks.

She was smiling like that making he's heart race. He turned around and got inside car, as he left she stared at him leaving.

As she went inside she glanced at the necklace that was tied in her neck, it was so pretty, her favorite colored too. She wanted to buy it but didn't because she didn't had enough money.

She feels guilty when someone buys her something expensive and if she said no to hanseo more he might have got sad, she decided to collect money from her savings and buy him something.

Jang hanseok's pov.

I was working the whole day but I couldn't consentrate, I just kept on thinking what she is doing? Is she missing me like I'm? I missed how her lips felt on mine.

Everything about her was addicting. I decided to call her since my work for today is done.

Suddenly my doorbell ranged, I rolled my eyes, I was alone in a expensive hotel room and how I wish I wisn't alone. So yeon really took the ability of mine to think about something else.

As I opened the door it was a girl, she was the secretary of ceo from another company i had meeting with, she was wearing a pink skirt and crop top. Don't tell me she is here expecting me to fuck her?

"Hi, daddy" oh hell no, not this. "I guess you got the wrong one" as I was about to close the door she held it open and got inside, I moved back "Listen, let me clarify, I'm totally not interested" she smirked and took of her jacket "I'll make sure you become interested"

"Yeah, no thanks." i moved away to open the door but she suddenly pushed me on the bed and got on top of me "Come on, don't you like it? A hot girl like me is in a room of an hot guy? Both alone in a room?"

I smirked and held her shoulders, I flipped her and got on top of her, I kept my hand on the side of the bed to keep the support.

I lossend up my tie a bit with my another hand "Look sweetie, we both know you don't want this, do you really wanna do something like this with a psychopath?" she scoffed.

"Please if a psychopath is this hot than I don't mind" i laughed hysterically Making her flinch a bit "Don't take my words as a joke, I can ruin you in a second or can just torture you to death of you don't stop annoying me." she flinched because of my deep voice, she didn't expect that huh?

She tried to get out of my grip that was on her shoulders. I tightend my grip on her shoulder "What? Ain't you horny now?" she was terrified now, jeez that was easy "Leave" i lifted ny hand up from the other side.

she quickly slided down and rushed towards the door "If you dare to say anything about this than I'll make sure to ruin your life" i yelled while turning around, she ran out.

I pushed my hair back in frustration, sometimes I wonder how so yeon even loves me even after knowing my dark side? Ah, true love what can I say.

Saw your heart 2 // Vincenzo, Jang Hanseo, Jang Hanseok Where stories live. Discover now