"I won't unless it's you"

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<Long chapter>

Third person's pov.

As she jumped on the bed to sleep her phone ranged, she looked at the phone and saw the name, it was hanseok.

"Soneone finally got time?" she said while smiling

"I always manage time for you babe" she blushed "Stop it!" she said while shaking her hand.

Before he could say anything he heard a beeping noice, he looked at the phone and another important work related call was coming "Babe, I'll talk with you a bit later"

She placed her phone down and went to sleep.
After few minutes her phone ranged again.

Of course she was sleepy so without looking at it she picked up, she knew it's hanseok since he said he'll call her after awhile.

"Seriously? You miss me so much babe?" she said while turning around, her voice was a bit husky since she just woke up. "Since when we're dating? Now?" she looked at her phone and looked at it confused.

"Your voice sounds different? Anyways look I love you but now I need some sleep so good night"

The person on the other side widened he's eyes "W-what?" he mumbled

She crickled her eyes and looked at her phone, her eyes widened as she saw it's hanseo not hanseok "Shit! Sorry I didn't see it was you hanseo! I-i thought I was talking with hanseok"

Hanseo placed he's hand on he's chest "Ouch, that hurts my feelings" she chuckled "Stop your comedy, i need my sleep" he sadly smiled, he wants to hear those words but which she'll mean it.

"But wait, why did you call?" she asked "Ah, vincenzo asked me to let him know ones I reach here but I've been trying to call him since yesterday, he isn't picking up"

"He must be busy" she said

"Anyways, since tomorrow I have nothing to do, wanna watch some k drama and eat ramen at my place?" he asked, she thought about it, she is free too so maybe yeah.

"Ain't you always free?" she chuckled in her husky voice making he's ear blessed "For you, definitely"

She shook her head in disbelief, this guy randomly calls her at any time than starts throwing lines like these

"I need to call you at these hours more" he said, "Mmm? Why?"

"Because you sound really hot right now" her eyes winded "Don't you wanna sleep or something!?" she snapped as he chuckled "Of course, good night sunshine" she couldn't help but feel her cheeks getting a bit red.

She quickly shook her head "No! Hanseok!" She mumbled to himself while throwing the phone beside her, she slammed her head on the pillow and slept.

Next day.

She was busy working, it's sunday but she got some files to copy.

After awhile she strached my arms, she was wearing shorts and a thin blue t-shirt. She was yawning when suddenly the doorbell ranged.

She stood up and grabbed a blue jacket, it was thin too and it's her favorite tho. She hate reveling her arms or thighs but since she's at home it doesn't matter and rarely anyone comes here. Only hanseok does.

As she reached near the door she opend it and gulped. Hanseo was standing infornt of her, he was holding he's phone in one and and another hand was in he's jeans pocket. He was wearing a T-shirt and black jeans, he's long fingers, he's hands were looking just fine as hell.

"So y-" before he could finish he's eyes shifted towards her exposed thighs, he looked back at  her with a smirk "You wanna seduce me? Because it's working" he said, her eyes widened, does he flirts with everyone all the time!? Suddenly he started taking steps forward

Saw your heart 2 // Vincenzo, Jang Hanseo, Jang Hanseok Where stories live. Discover now