broken promises

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*Flashback a day before*

"Where are you taking me, hanseok?"  so yeon asked while frowning and pouting, she heard a chuckle from him "Well, it's a serect"

"Five freking hours! It took us five hours to reach here and since there you kept me blindfolded, I'll actually go blind" jang hanseok smiled softly as he was holding her by her shoulders.

"Give me at least some hints!" she whined as he pouted "Fine, food, shining, love" she got confused "Now what kind of hints are these?"

Suddenly she felt she was walking upstairs.
"Are you kidding me!? These are stairs!? What if I fall to d-" he huffed "Gosh, you talk so much nonsense but-" he softly chuckled "I love listening to your nonsense, it makes me feel home" she pressed her lips while smiling shyly, he knows how to make someone shut up.

He opened a door than got inside while closing it behind. "Now I'll open this blindfold, ok?" he said as she nodded.

As soon as he opened the blindfold her eyes was nearly blinded by so many colorfull lights decorated everywhere. She gasped loudly as she saw how beautiful everything looked.

Suddenly he softly peaked her cheeks making her eyes widened, she was flushed right now to even say anything.

"Do u like it, honey?" he placed he's head on her shoulder and softly whisper asked "Do you like it, honey?" he's voice melted her heart, she smiled softly, that smile was like a bright light in the dark night.

"I love it" both smiled, she suddenly pulled him into a hug "Thank you hanseok" he placed he's hand on the top of her hair and softly caressed them "i should be the one saying thanks for you coming into my miserable life and fixing the mess"

"What would I have done without you, so yeon"
He said as she snuggled her head on he's chest "Wish time stopped here" he nodded


After dinner they both layed down on the empty rooftop decorated beautifully.

"Isn't the sky looking so pretty? All these stars lighting up the dark gloomy sky. Specially the moon" she said while smiling and looking at the sky, now why would anyone want to see the stars in the sky when u can look at her sparky eyes.

She looks happier. He slowly slipped he's hand with her than intertwined he's fingers with her's. She looked at their hands than looked up at him with the prittest smile.

"Don't ever let go of me, even if I'm an idiot, I'm hard to handle, I'm not good enough but I'll try my best to be good enough...for you"

Her eyes got teary, she squeezed he's hand "I won't let go of your hand hanseok, you better not tok. No matter how far we fall apart promise me that you'll find your way back to me"

He just smiled and leaned closer than kissed her forehead "Don't make me promise something I might regret if I can't fulfil it"

She slapped he's shoulder "Hey! What do you mean!?" he chuckled "Nothing"

She cupped he's face "I'll stay, we'll stay. U and I wouldn't fall apart, promise?" he nodded "I promise"

*Flashback ends*


I held he's cold hand in mine, my tears wouldn't stop as he's lifeless body was laying infrot of me.

What happened? How? I don't know.

I got a call that he is in danger, to see him for one last time come to this address. For some reason I knew this wisn't a joke, as soon as I came I saw him laying on the floor, injured, bleeding.

He saw me and tried to lift he's hand up, my heart stopped as I ran towards him, I kneeled down and grabbed he's hand.

My knees hit the stone but that's not something hurted me, what hurted me was watching my life crumbling down infrot of me.

Watching the only person I could ever look for.

"Hanseok!" she said while tearing up "So y-yeon" he mumbled while smiling sadly, he's face was all beaten up, bleeding from he's chest, someone shooted him.

"Fuck! Let's go to the hospital!" she held he's arm and made him sit but he suddenly layed on her lap while coughing and hissing in pain

"No, it's too late baby. J-just let me lay here in your arms, one last time let me feel the home"

She started crying as he softly wiped her tears with he's thumb "Shh, don't. I hate seeing you cry" she leaned down and hugged him as he started breathing heavily "Stop it hanseok! Please I'm scared!" he sighed "baby, we've came too far together, now it's just your turn to walk on this path. I'll be by your side but you won't be able to see me but you'll be able to feel my apperence"

Third person's pov.

Suddenly there was silence everywhere, only her heartbeats can be heard.

"I kept my promise hanseok, I'm still here and you? Y-you" she couldn't control her tears, she started crying louder as the empty place echoed with her sobs and broken, shaky voice

"You broke your promise! Fuck you h-hanseok i-i freking hate you!" she screamed while crying louder and leaning on he's chest.

She hugged he's lifeless body one last time, she couldn't let go like she said, all memories,happiness and everything just ended here. She can't live happily again, never.

"Please hanseok, Come back, don't leave me when I need you the most. I beg you to come back" she clenched onto he's shirt.


A girl was standing near the window, looking at the sky.

She heard a knock on her office door.

"Come in" a girl walked in with files, she looked a bit worried.

Her boss has been spending her life alone since years, the surrounding aura was dark. The walls were covered in black colour.

"Ma'am, you need anything else?" the girl asked in worry "No, you can leave"

"Jang ma'am, ain't you going to go home?" the girl asked to the boss.

She turned around. Still pretty, all glowing face, perfectly dressed but something, something was missing, her smile. She looked lifeless.

The girl bowed down and left.

So yeon become a successful lawyer, she has everything right now expect happiness.

She sighed and looked over at her desk, a picture of him was inside the photo stand.

She walked over to the desk and held it carefully "Hanseok, you see. You used to say I lightened up your gloomy life? Now why did you have to dim my lights?" she took a deep breath with closed eyes "I love you so much but I won't ever be able to hear you say those words back, it's been years yet here I'm. All alone hoping to see you one last time"

A tear escaped from her eyes "I'll forever wait for you like you're waiting for me on the other side"


The end.

So you might wonder who killed hanseok? It's a mystery that I guess non of us will know
And I would like to say.

Thank you so much to each and everyone for supporting me on this journey! It ment alot and I love y'all so much.

Hope y'all keep on supporting me just like this in my future stories<333

Have an amazing day!

Saw your heart 2 // Vincenzo, Jang Hanseo, Jang Hanseok Where stories live. Discover now