"Don't fall so deep that you can't get out of it"

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"Say something!? Ain't you angry!?"

he tiled has head "Why should I be?" her anger was getting worse "What do you mean why should I be!? You really lost your damn brain!?"

He leaned on the wall "Come on, they're just rumours and by the end of the week it will be desapered" she looked at him disbelief "Bu-" he suddenly grabbed her by her arms "Since you're here, wanna have lunch?" she shrugged her shoulders away from he's grip.

"Stop acting like nothing happened hanseo! They're talking rubbish about us! You know that we're just friends right!" he sighed "I know, I know" he turned around to walk towards the kitchen "Just ignore them" she frowned and rushed towards him while grabbing he's arm and turning him around.

"You don't understand! And didn't you like announced that you're not dating ones when there was a dating scandal of you and a actress!? Why not now" hanseo cupped her face "Can't you just let it go? It's just rumours so we shouldn't get effected by it" her lips parted a bit, she couldn't understand what is wrong with him. It'll take a second for him to fix those lies but instead he is saying let them talk shit!?

"Do you think it's funny that everyone is calling me a gold digger!? A pathetic person?" he narrowed he's eyes "What? Who said that!?" he snapped making her flinch a bit, he realized it and moved closer "Sunshine, I'll protect you so don't listen to them" she couldn't help but tears started rolling down, she was scared ones hanseok sees these he'll feel heartbroken, she doesn't want to hurt him, it wisn't even her fault that people took their friendship in the wrong way.

He soft wiped her tears away with he's thumb, she looked up and him, he was staring at her with affectionate eyes, he wanted to protect her from the world.

"Sunshine, I don't want you to get hurt. Fine I'll tell people the news are fake and we're just friends" she sadly looked at him "I can't see you hurt" she suddenly hugged him making he's heart beat faster. He could smell her cologne. He hugged her back, how much he wishes to stay like this.

'Why can't you see my love for you' he thought while hugging her, a tear escaped from he's eyes but he quickly wiped it with he's index finger.

As they broke the hug she looked at him "I'll get going than?" he nodded with a pressed smile. She turned around and walked towards the door, she left and he stood there thinking about what he should do next.

At night.

"Hope u like it!" she beamed, she cooked for hanseok, she placed the plate of food infront of him, he's eyes sparkled as he saw the food.
But before he could eat it she handed him just a piece of food on a small plate "Taste this first!" she exclaimed. He smiled at her than took a bite.

He's eyes widened. She added too much spice on it, he's eyes were getting teary "I-it's a-amazing! He exclaimed. She smiled brightly, he was about to take another bite but she grabbed her arm "Wait! I have another dish for you to try!" she rushed towards the kitchen. He's eyes widened "F*ck I'll end up blowing fire out of my mouth and ass if I eat more but she looked so happy I can't even say it's bad" he mumbled to himself.

Suddenly she rushed towards him with a dish "Here!" he looked at the food. He gulped "It looks a-amazing!" it looked amazing but he might end up dead who knows.

He took a bite with clenched eyes, as he started eating he realized it's actually tasty. Suddenly she started laughing.

"You really lied to me about you liked that dish even if it was full of spice?" he raised he's eyebrow "So you actually wanted me to become a dinosaur who blow outs fire? Seriously!?" she couldn't stop laughing. watching her laugh, a smile rosed up on he's face.

Saw your heart 2 // Vincenzo, Jang Hanseo, Jang Hanseok Where stories live. Discover now