you're mine

527 23 4

An hour later.

Hanseok's pov.

I was taking with miss choi about work related when suddenly I heard a knock. I placed my phone on the desk and walked towards the door.

As soon as I opened so yeon hugged me. I flinched because of the sudden action of hers  "Baby, what happened?" i asked while caressing her hair, she sobbed. I clenched my fist, who dared to make her cry? I'll kill them.

"W-why do people not understand me!?" she said while crying. I pulled her inside while not breaking the hug i turned her around than closed the door behind with my leg, I slowy walked her towards the sofa, I finally broke the hug and made her sit on sofa.

"Look, look at me" i said while cupping her face in my hands, her eyes and nose looked red, even while crying she looks beautiful. She sniffled as I wiped the tears away with my thumb "What happened, tell me" she nodded while still crying.

"I-i went t-to" she looked so broken it broke my heart "Wait! I'll be back" i quickly rushed towards the kitchen and took out a bottle of cold water.

I rushed back towards her and she looked at me with her teary eyes, i handed her the bottle. She gulped the cold chilling water like it's summer season, it's literally winter and she is drinking cold, chilling water.

"I hate this!" she snapped while her tears flicked away. "W-what happend so yeon?" i asked while cupping her face again.

"So I went to pick up hanseo from airport you know! After that while talking i told him that we're dating, he suddenly got mad at me a-" i gritted my teeth "Don't tell me he hurted you! I'll k-" she looked at me "No! He didn't hurt me, he just went to he's room and told me to L-" she started to cry again. I assumed that he told her to leave.

Perfect, that's what I wanted anyways. It might be sad for her but it's the best thing that has happened, a card got cut by itself now another card is vincenzo's but he is in some island near Malta.

I pulled her into a hug, she hugged me back and snuggled near my neck. I smiled, i felt so happy and finally I can have her all to myself.

I moved back and moved the hair from her face "Baby, no one loves u like I do, not even your friends or anyone. You don't need anyone ok?" she bit her lower lip, she was trying to not cry. "Y-you don't understand! He was the only friend I had" she said while looking down.

Gosh, i wanna kill that hanseo for hurting my baby. How dare that- no, no hanseok! First take care of her.

"I understand but if he really was your friend than he wouldn't have broke your heart" she rubbed her tears away "It's your fault!" she suddenly yelled while standing up, i flinched and stood up trying to get a hold of her but she pushed me.

"You! You abused him and hurted everyone of us! Why hanseok!? I- i can't do this shit right now!" she snapped, she ran away and got inside her bedroom.

Hanseo's pov.

I smashed everything around me in anger the moment she left, right now I'm just sitting on the floor while leaning my head back on the bed. How could she betray me!? No, no.

That hanseok took everything from me, my dad, babel, my friends everything! The only thing I had left was her.

I started to fall deeper for her and finally when I've changed myself for her now she is dating that psychopath!? Is she crazy? Like seriously isn't she scared? He'll literally kill her if things don't go he's way.

No way I'm letting that psychopath take away everything from me.

So yeon, you're mine and I won't let anyone come between us. I'll make you mine and never let you go for sure, just wait hanseok, I'll beat you at your own game.

I was crying since I yelled at her, I'm not only mad at that guy but her, I'm dissapointed. I thought she likes me, I thought she cares about me! I thought she'll fall for me. But it's not too late.

So yeon's pov.

I was crying since I came home, me and hanseok live in different houses but I often stay at he's like he stays in mine too. I haven't gone out since than, I know I'm at fault too but I just love hanseok and care about hanseo, he is my best friend and I wanted him to be happy, that's the reason I sent him away but now he is totally changed..
Can't blame him.

I skipped dinner, hanseok kept asking me to eat but I was too tired.

Finally I opened the door slowy hoping he won't wake up, it's midnight. I walked towards the fridge hoping there's something to eat, I can't sleep without eating so.

It was all dark and I could only see the fridge light, there's nothing inside what the!? I turned around and suddenly the lights got on. I looked at hanseok leaning on the wall while holding a plate of dinner near switch board "Hungry?" he asked with a smirk.

I frowned and went towards him "Give me" before I could take it he moved it up. I glared at him "Yaaa! I'm starving" i yelled, "Say sorry first" i scoffed "For what!? Saying facts?

He pouted "Alright, say please than?" i lifted my clenched fist near he's jaw, he flinched back "Hey! Be nice" he said while smiling "Fine! I don't need it" before I could go inside my room he grabbed my waist and started pulling me away "What the heck!? Let me go" i whined but he just chuckled than pushed me lighty on the couch.

He than sat beside me and smiled while holding the plate of food "I'll feed you" i rolled my eyes "No need to, I can feed myself" he pouted "Please?" i couldn't say no to he's adorable smile. I finally gave in and opend my mouth while leaning closer, he smiled and filled the spoon with food than started feeding me, i felt a bit happy, at least he won't leave me like other friends, family and everyone. He'll always be by my side.

I grabbed the spoon from he's hand, he tilted he's head and looked at me confused "Now I'll feed you since you didn't eat too, right?" he smiled sadly "You knew?" i nodded "I know you very well" we both smiled at each other, I feeded him too. "I'm s-" before I could finish he placed he's index finger on my lip "Shh, it's ok"

My thoughts were still stuck with hanseo, is he ok, did he eat?


People never would have thought
about hanseo as a yandere kinda
character in but he can pull that
character really well😭💅🏻✨

He got everything stolen away from
him by hanseok so of course he'll
want everyone and everything
back. Can't blame him.

Saw your heart 2 // Vincenzo, Jang Hanseo, Jang Hanseok Where stories live. Discover now