"I'm jealous when it comes to you"

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"Hanseok! Look" she exclaimed while rushing towards him, he was sitting in the sofa while watching TV, he looked at her and smiled, she sat beside him on the edge of the sofa "Look at this pretty parrot! I really want one" she pouted.

"How about a do-" she naroowd her eyes, she doesn't like dogs and cats much, she loves birds and fishes more.

"Fine, fine. Stop glaring" she smiled wildly and wrapped her arms around he's neck "I love you sooooo much!" she said while rubbing her head on he's hair. He chuckled, he grabbed her by her waist and pulled her on the sofa, he pinned her down with a smirk "I prefer it if u could show me your love instead" she blushed and slapped he's arm playfully "Can you stop being so flirty!" he chuckled and leaned closer.

As she closed her eyes waiting for him to kiss, he just peaked on her lips. She opened her eyes and saw him smiling at her "You're really pretty" she blushed and covered her face "What? Can't I even adore you now?" she peeked a bit from the fingers and he smiled at how adorable she looked.

As they were busy being romantic someone knocked, as they looked at the direction it was a delivery guy "M- ma'am, there's a delivery for you" she pushed hanseok off her and cleared her throat while standing up, he sat up and looked around like they didn't just got caught while doing some romance.

"Thanks, who is it from?" she asked while signing in the paper "I don't know ma'am, I was just told to deliver it" she nodded with a smile "Okay" the delivery guy bowed and left. She got inside and opend it, it was a set of earrings. She pouted and looked at the letter under it. Hanseok was curious

"Hope you like them sunshine, I went for a meeting and as soon as my eyes feel on these it reminded me of you."

Her eyes widened, this guy is crazy or what!? It's a blue diamond earrings that is really costly. She hated it when he gifts her expensive things, not that she hates them, they're pretty but really expensive.

Hanseok walked towards her and took the paper from her, she was a bit scared, he might hate it since it's from he's brother. He clenched the paper and looked up at her with a glare "Why the heck is he sending you all these?" he said while glaring at the box. He was about to snatch it but she moved it away.

"Chill hanseok! He is my best frien-" he scoffed "You really think that? Seriously so yeon?" she clicked her tongue "Stop being jealous, it's just a gift and I was about to return it anyways" he stepped forward and cupped her face "I'm jealous when it comes to you" she smiled "Don't worry, I love you so don't overthink" he nodded and let go of her cheeks.

Later that day.

"I can't take these" she said while handing him the box, he pouted "You don't like them?" she shook her head "It's not that hanseo, I seriously can't accpect expensive gifts" he looked sad "Don't see the price, see the emotions, the feelings behind it"

"It's not-" he suddenly placed he's index finger on her soft lips, she looked at him in shock "Shh, it's a gift and you know it'll hurt the person if you return a gift" he smiled

Both looked at each other for quite a second, he's finger was still on her lip,she finally moved away as he placed the gift on her hand again "Just try them, I swear it'll look pretty in you" she scoffed, he wouldn't take a no.

Suddenly he clicked he's index finger with he's thumb "How about i put these earrings on your ears?" she shook her head "I can, you don't need to" he pressed he's lips "I want to" she thought for a second "I guess"

He smiled brightly, they both sat on the bench and she turned a bit to the left, she moved her hair so he could put the earrings, he couldn't help but notice her beautiful exposed neck, he wanted to kiss them so bad. He noticed she was wearing the necklace he gifted her before, he couldn't be more happy.

He was taking the earrings off which she had and putting the ones he gifted her, he softly touched her ear with he's index finger making her feel weird, not in a bad way.

She could feel he's soft fingers touching her earlobe. He than fixed it and moved back "Turn around" he said as she turned around. He than put the earring on her another ear and moved back to have a good view.

She sat face to face with him, he covered he's mouth dramatically "Wow, trust me. You look the prettiest" she chuckled "come on, they're way expensive and pretty to be hanging on my ears" he smiled "Why don't you look at it yourself?"

She opened her selfie and looked at them, they indeed looked pretty, he moved a bit closer and placed he's head on her shoulder "Told ya, they look pretty" she chuckled "I need to agree you have a great taste" he smirked "I really do" he looked at her while she was busy admiring the earrings.

"Hanseo, I wanna make something clear" he thought about what she might say next?

"We're just friends right?" he looked at her who was looking at him. "What else do you think?" she rolled her eyes "Just say it" he chuckled "Of course, I love you" she narrowed her eyes "As a best friend"

'What a lie hanseo' he thought

Saw your heart 2 // Vincenzo, Jang Hanseo, Jang Hanseok Where stories live. Discover now