Will you forgive me sunshine?

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After working the next day hanseok said he is leaving for two days, he has alot of work.

I will definitely miss him. It's been two years since cha young left, she is staying with vincenzo and helping him with everything while mr nam is helping me in work here.

As I was working mr nam walked in and knocked on my door, I said come in and started checking the files for next case.

"Someone is here to meet you" he said. I looked at him in confusion "Must be because of work? Ah tell that person to come in"

After few seconds i heard another knock, "Come in" i said without even looking up, I was too busy reading files, these attorney job is such a headache, I should have opend a cake shop.

There was no response so I looked up and flinched back with 'a what the heck face'. A guy was standing infornt of me with a red roses bouquet, he was hiding he's face behind. The guy was wearing a black suit and expensive wrist watch.

"Excuse me?" I said in confusion. He than slowy held a paper out for me, I took it and opened it.

I'm sorry, I know I overreacted but I apologize. Will you forgive me sunshine? It's hard to stay away from my best friend. So let's continue being friends?

My eyes widened as I looked up at the guy, he was peeking from behind the bouquet, he's small cute eyes were bright as heck.

He than gave me the flowers, I looked at them than back at him, isn't he the same guy who was yelling at me? I rolled my eyes and slammed the bouquet on the desk than went back to checking files, he was rude to me so he needs to be nicer.

He than quickly walked behind me and turned my chair around, I glared at him but suddenly he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

My eyes widened so much that it would have popped out at any moment, "sorry sunshine?" I looked at him blankly, how can he just randomly kiss people's forehead "D-did you just-" I touched my forehead with my fingers, he smiled "That's a sorry kiss from me, so now will you forgive your dumb hanseo?" he asked with the cutest puppy face.

I quickly turned around and coughed "Stop with those puppy eyes, fine!" he suddenly hugged me from back and snuggled he's head near my neck "Thank you!" he said while, he was so close that I could feel he's hot breath near my ear. I gulped "Y-yea now get off my back" he giggled and walked forward near the chairs.

Third person's pov.

"I shouldn't have gotten angry on you" she looked down "actually, it's my fault too, I just couldn't help but fall for him" he clenched he's fist but kept a fake smile "I can understand, we can't help who we fall for" he looked at her and knew what to do next.

He grabbed her hands and brought it closer near he's chest, she looked at him confused "Just because you're dating my brother doesn't mean I'll let go of our precious friendship" she smiled softly as he smiled back.

"Thank you for not leaving my side" he said while softly caressing her hands with he's thumb.

She clenched he's hands while smiling wildly, she didn't even realize it was hurting him. He hissed in pain when suddenly she realized and let go of he's hand "Shit! s-sorr!" he chuckled while shaking he's hand to reduce the pain..

An hour later.

He was sitting on the sofa in her office, he kept on staring at her, admiring her beauty, admiring how beautiful she looks while working.

She felt uncomfortable since he kept on staring at her and not going away, he has changed so much like the guy who wouldn't even look at her in the eyes is now starting into her soul, he had a adorable smile on he's face.

She was trying to ignore he's stare but she couldn't, she looked up at him and raised her eyebrows "Don't you have work Mr Jung?" he pouted he's lower lip and looked up than back at her "Na, I'm free for you so wanna grab Ice cream?" she shook her head "You might be but I'm busy as heck"

As she looked back at the files someone knocked on the door, it was a guy in dark red hair.

"Hi, may I?" he asked, she nodded. "I wanted to talk about my case" she nodded and leaned back on the seat and gestured her hand towards the seat infrot.

Hanseo was looking at her, she looked so hot while Sitting like that, they kept on talking and he noticed that the guy was starting at her while she was busy discussing. He glared at the guy but he didn't notice.

Hanseo was feeling jealous so he stood up and walked towards her, she noticed that and wondered is he leaving? But he walked up behind her and placed he's hands on her shoulders, she looked up at him in confusion.

The guy infrot was looking at both of them "Are you done?" hanseo asked, she rolled her eyes "Hanseo, stop annoying me and go back to your seat" the guy who was sitting infrot of her got stressed.

He nervously looked at the. Hanseo is now a rich ceo of a company which has many benches around, he looked at the guy with a glare. He gulped.

After few minutes the guy left and hanseo walked forward and stood infrot of her tablet "Sunshine!" he whined, she looked at him "Let's go and get some ice cream!?" she tilted her head "Seriously? Ugh, fine" she said while standing up, he smiled wildly.

Saw your heart 2 // Vincenzo, Jang Hanseo, Jang Hanseok Where stories live. Discover now