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After coming home so yeon talked with hanseok and everything that she and hanseo are nothing more than friends, he nodded and said he trusts her.

At night.

Hanseok texted hanseo than he wants to meet him right now, he was standing under the bridge, he was leaning on he's car while waiting.

After few minutes finally hanseo came, he got out of the car and walked towards hanseok.

"it's been awhile since we talked face to face, isn't it hanseo?"

Hanseo smirked "couldn't agree more" hanseok was a bit taken back from he's reply, he never saw him this fearless.

"I don't have much to say but don't come near so yeon"

Hanseo chuckled "woah, are you here to give me warnings? Could have done that on phone, you know?"

Hanseok clenched he's fist, he had he's recording on so whatever he'll say will be recorded.

"I know you have feelings for her" he said trying to make hanseo say the truth.

"Come on hanseok, you never had friends because of your psychotic behaviour so you wouldn't know much about all these, anyways. Me and her are just amazing friends you know? Friends forever!" he said while shrugging he's arms.

"Say the damn truth!" hanseok yelled while hanseo didn't even flinch he just yawned.

"Woah,woah clam down" hanseo said while smirking and narrowed eyes, provoking him. hanseok gritted he's teeth "Don't be so worked up, I know what you're trying. For a fact we've been brothers since years so-" hanseo walked towards him while shoving he's one hand in he's pocket.

He quickly grabbed the phone out of he's jacket's pocket, hanseok tried to grab it back from he's hand but hanseo carefully moved back and kicked on he's stomach making him fall on the ground

"Aishh, that's very stupid of you to think I'll fall for your tricks. Do you still see me as the naive stupid hanseo? I'm so dissapointed bro" hanseo deleted the recording and smirked

"Now, to answer your question-" he tilted he's head while pouting he's lower lip "You are stupid in other things but smarter when it comes to these kinda things you know? Guessing who likes who. so you definitely know how I feel about her?" hanseok was hissing in pain while holding he's stomach.

"Ya, I didn't even kick you that hard. man up hanseok" hanseok glared at him with clenched teeths "I didn't forget all the abuse, the amount of pain you gave me is unexplainable so I'll return each and every pain of yours" he said while smiling wildly, he walked closer and dropped hanseok's phone on he's lap "Leave and don't waste my sleeping hours" hanseo said while turning around, as he walked towards he's car he heard footsteps rushing towards him, he smirked and moved on a side, hanseok was about to stab him with a knife.

"Ah ah nope, that is a bit rude don't you think? So yeon wouldn't like that" hanseo said but hanseok tried again, hanseo grabbed he's hand and kicked on he's stomach again making him fall back hard.

"Stop being an idiot, you gotta work harder on your skills to kill me" hanseok was getting hurt, he remembered the times when it was him instead of hanseo.

Hanseo casually walked towards he's car and opened the door leaving hanseok on the ground, he managed to stand up but too late, hanseo already started the car and left.

Few hours later.

"Hanseok!" so yeon shouted while rushing downstairs, since she woke up in the middle of the night she saw him nowhere.

She got a worried and called him. Not after too long he picked up.

"Babyyyyyy~" she narrowed her eyes as she heard him, why is he like singing the word "Are you drunk?" he chuckled "Ayee, nope. I was actually out for a bit fresh air" he sounded normal "I'll come to you" he bit he's lip "Nope, it's fine I can drive"

he was a bit sad, he was not ready to let go of her any time soon. He is maybe scared that he might end up losing her.

He's eyes were teary. "Hanseok, please I'll pick u up" hanseok sighed "Will you always pick me up when I'll be at my lowest?" she got worried as fuck, why is he talking like this "I'll always" he smiled sadly. She quickly took the keys and decided drove where he was.

He sent he's location.

Few minutes later.

Finally she reached where he was, he was sitting outside a cafe which was closed "Seriously hanseok! I was so worried for you and here you're sitting outside a closed cafe, if you wanted to drink at least you could have asked me" he looked at her with a sad smile, she noticed it and walked towards him.

"Han-" before she could finish he wrapped hes arms around her waist and hugged her, he placed he's head on her stomach and clenched he's eyes close.

She sighed and softly caressed his hair "I'm scared so yeon" she looked at him confused "Huh? Scared? Of what" he couldn't say the truth he was scared of losing her. She shook her head and moved him away by gripping he's shoulders and pushing him slowly, he looked at her confused.

She sat beside him and placed her plam on he's than turned face to face with him. She intertwined her fingers with he's and softly smiled "No need to tell me if you don't want to but hanseok, don't be scared because I'll always be by your side, no matter what" he couldn't say anything, he just started at her.

He felt like crying, not that he really is the sensitive type but when she says these it melts he's heart "What if someone tries to steal you away?" he asked while looking up at the sky. She chuckled.

"Not that I'll let them but no one will ever want to steal me away from you, I don't even have anyone like you who'll care about me. My parents hate me, cha young is mad at me, vincenzo has some kinda mental issues and I don't even know what is wrong with him, hanseo is a great friend and yeah they do care but you, you're really special for me"

He smiled at her softly and nodded "Thank you for considering me as a special person"

She smiled and looked up at the sky "woah! Look at the sky" he looked up and saw stars "Ain't they pretty!?" she exclaimed. He nodded and looked at her, admired her "Really pretty"

"Gimme your phone" he raised he's eyebrow and smirked "Someone is on her jealous girlfriend mode?" she scoffed "I don't think I need to be" he smiled as she took he's phone out of he's pocket.

She texted someone than gave he's phone back "Let's go" he pointed at he's car "I got mine" she grabbed he's hand while standing up "I took care of it now come" she rushed towards her car as he chuckled.

Both got inside the car and she started the car.

Saw your heart 2 // Vincenzo, Jang Hanseo, Jang Hanseok Where stories live. Discover now