Explain that to my heart

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After reaching home they fell asleep and she stayed at he's house.

Third person's pov.

As she woke up she sniffed, there was an amazing smell of food filling the air. She grinned, she rushed downstairs and saw from far that hanseok was cooking in the kitchen.

It felt like they're a married couple, they would cook for each other, they would cuddle, kiss and everything. She felt happy.

She slowly took steps without making noise, he was busy cooking while listening music so he didn't notice her, she stood on her tip toes behind him and placed her chin on he's shoulder, he didn't flinch or anything just turned at her and chuckled "Finally you're awake?" she bit her lip while looking at the things he was cooking "Thanks to your cooking skills that made me come down"

"What are you cooking!? It smells so good!" he smiled "Your fav, meat" she looked at him with a huge smile "You really know how to melt my heart"

she snuggled her head near he's neck, he felt ticklish and giggled "This is for lunch not breakfast" she frowned "Can I at least get a taste?" he shook he's head, she started at him with puppy eyes as he side eyed her and sighed with a smile "Fine, just a small, tiny piece" she nodded with a smile and moved back.

She rushed towards the washroom as he chuckled.

Awhile later.

"Babe, cha young said we don't have any work today so I'm freee" she said while jumping down the stairs, he gasped and rushed towards her while frowning "How many times I told you not to jump from stairs!? What if you get hurt!?" he yelled as she rolled her eyes "Ok  mom" he cupped her face "I prefer to be called daddy but that isn't what we are talking about" she blushed while smiling, he actually was too caring for her.

"Fine, fine and" she grabbed he's arms "Let's go on a date!?" he smiled at her softly "How about a movie date tonight?" she smiled "Yes!" he loved the way she would get happy over little things.

They had lunch and she told him to make it again soon.

At night.

"I hate you" she said while crossing her arms "What? It's a romantic movie" she gave him a disgusted look "You never saw this movie? Did you?" he was trying he's best to not laugh. "Well about that..." he said while pouting. she started slapping he's arm as he laughed "You know how disgusting this movie is! Yet you brought these movie tickets!" he couldn't stop laughing.

"Well we can get inspiration from the movie for later you know?" he wiggeled he's eyebrows, she dramatically gasped "Shut up!" she said while covering her face in her plams.

"Sometimes I regret letting you chose moves" he smirked "I have a better Idea!" she side eyed him "What?" he tugged he's arm with he's and leaned closer "I brought back seat tickets so we can you know, ignore the movie and enjoy?" she looked at him confused "How will we enjoy if you brought the back seat t-" suddenly it hit her.

She slapped he's shoulder playfully "You're so disgusting" he laughed making her laugh too.

In theater.

"What the-" she mumbled "I regret asking you on a movie date" he smirked and slipped he's arm slowy around her waist "I don't regret it at least" she rolled her eyes " Obviously you don't, you nasty as fuck" he chuckled "You haven't seen that side of me yet tho"

She looked at him who was looking at her with seductive eyes "Stop staring at me and watch the damn movie" he bit he's lower lip "Why watch the movie when your reaction is more intresting?" she quickly looked away.

"Fuck, this guy really knows how to turn me on" she mumbled under her breath as he was smiling. He was having so much fun teasing her and she might say it's nasty when he is trying to seduce her but obviously she loves it.

"How about we try this when we get home?" she dramatically gasped while looking at him "shut your horny ass!" she hissed while looking around hoping no one heard it. He chuckled.

After awhile.

She looked over at him who was smiling while watching the movie, he looked so happy today, she wondered why.

After the movie ended both walked out while he had he's hand around her waist "Everyone is watching hanseok" he nodded "I know, darling" her cheeks where glowing red at this point, he was way too much flirty today.

As they reached out she looked up at the sky
"Hanseok, can I ask you something?" he nodded "Do you really hate my friends?" he stopped as she looked around.

"Honestly if you consider that hanseo and vincenzeo as your 'friends' than yes" she gave him a 'Are you kidding me?' look.

"So you hate all my male friends? Why are you so jealous hanseok?" he clicked he's tongue and walked towards her, she looked at him confused when suddenly he cupped her face and leaned closer, he kissed her as she closed her eyes, both kissed each other without caring about others watching them.

When hanseok pulled back from the kiss he held her hands and placed them on he's chest, "Explain that to my heart, I can't stand it when other guys look at you like they wanna fuck you" she was a bit amazed.

"You know you're mine and I'm yours right? And I hate sharing what is mine, hmm?" he said in a low voice, she knew how jealous he gets which she should be annoyed about but honestly, it was hot.

"I know" both were looking at each other's eyes "You know what?" she said slipped her hand in the back of he's neck and pulled him near than kissed him. He was screaming inside, that was so hot for her to be so bold.

He's lips were warm, soft so was her, he brings he's one hand up to her face, deeping the kiss, he's tonge slided down hers as they were deeply kissing each other. he definitely was the happiest.

As she pulled away for breath he smirked "I never saw your this side before honestly" she bit her inside cheek while smiling "So, you like this side of me? Because I might consider bringing this side of mine more" he bit he's lip "Like? I crave this side of yours so maybe you should just decide to being this side up often" both chuckled as they looked into each other's eyes.


I never thought I would write such a intense kissing stuff *clears throat* anyways, hope you guys enjoy reading and sorry if I offended y'all because I can't write all that 💀i tried ok- l-like I really wanted to and ngl something is better than nothing-

Saw your heart 2 // Vincenzo, Jang Hanseo, Jang Hanseok Where stories live. Discover now