y/n was waiting sitting on her stairs outside waiting for Shawn and topanga mainly Shawn since she hasn't seen him in forever which has only been 2 months.

"Look there she is" topanga said pointing towards y/n, once Shawn saw her his face lit up

"MY GIRL!" Shawn yelled making y/n's face light up as she saw them

She got up and ran to Shawn they both embraced each other in a really long hug than pulling away and into a really long kiss and pulling away again

"Sorry if we make you feel single panga" y/n told her

"It's fine I'm glad to see you finally happy after the whole summer of you barely happy" topanga said as the three walked down the sidewalk

"I can't wait for all four of us to be together again!" Topanga said mainly excited to see Cory


The three walked into the Matthews house asked for Cory who wasn't there yet.

Mr and mrs matthew wouldn't let them stay so topanga left to go back home while Shawn and y/n went back to her house

"Oh your back" Matthew said

Yeah they still don't like each other but they're getting used to each other

"So happy to see you shawn" y/n's mom said coming to hug him

"Can he stay here for the night? Please?" y/n asked biting her lip

"Alright but no funny business" y/n's mom said pointing at the two

They both let out a small chuckle and went upstairs. y/n changed into comfortable clothes so did shawn

y/n figured since shawn basically lives here too he should have clothes here as well. The two sat on her bed and just sat there looking at each other shawn looking at y/n's lips

y/n grabbed Shawn's face and kissed him, shawn kissing back.

{the next morning}

y/n, shawn, and topanga we're in the Matthews kitchen waiting for Cory as Morgan came down

"Topanga he's not going to have time for you" shawn started

"And why's that?" Topanga asked

"The man has been gone for 2 months and we have so much catching up to do, he's not even gonna know you exist" Shawn stated

"We didn't do any catching up" y/n frowned

"Trust me we did a lot of catching up" Shawn said smirking

Cory came down the stairs "shawn!"


They went for a hug but Cory ducked down and went to topanga

"And you were saying shawn?" y/n asked walking to him arms crossed

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